Random outcomes based on probabilities

rrosario007rrosario007 Member, PRO Posts: 15

I want to create numerical outcomes based on probabilities. How do I do this?

For example: 65% of the time I want variableX to be a random number >50 and 35% of the time I want variable X to be a random number <50.


  • TosanuTosanu Member, PRO Posts: 388

    You may need to nest random equation commands. For example, create a Random(1,20) and assign that to an attribute called, lets say, HighLow. Then create a rule that says if HighLow > 13 (equivalent of 35% of the time), attribute VariableX equals random(x, 50) (x being the bottom bound, Else VariableX equals Random(50, x) (X being whatever the upper bound needs to be.

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