Trying to make a message appear on screen when game is paused

HappyGOLUCKYHappyGOLUCKY Member, PRO Posts: 102

Hey guys,

So I'm trying to make a message appear on my game screen when the game is over. For example , lets say I have a bullet coming down and it hit a collision actor I put down. I want the game to then freeze and a message pop up that says game over on that same scene.

Any suggestions on how to accomplish this?


Best Answer

  • AA app companyAA app company Posts: 73
    Accepted Answer

    Create a knew scene and call it GameOver and when the bullet collides with the actor do pause game and show scene game over. The black on GameOver will be transparent so if you have a game over sign and a retry sign on the GameOver scene it will look as if its on the same scene. Hope I'm a bit of help


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