Random spawn actor with random velocity and angle.

jarvo88jarvo88 Member Posts: 1
edited July 2014 in Working with GS (PC)

As per the title i have created a spawner which spawns an actor between two different random y-axis coordinates. I have currently set the actor to have a constant velocity (-100) so that it moves across the screen from right to left.

What i want to add is that the velocity of the actor is random between lets say -50 and -200, also with a random angle. So that each actor that is spawned is moving at different velocities and all at different angles (these will then collide with each other and walls,etc which i have set up already.)

Once the actor is spawned the velocity and angle should not change unless a collision occurs.

Would be really helpful if someone can suggest how to do the above, as i am finding at the moment that the random velocities and angles just become the same for each actor spawned rather than each time the actor spawns these are different.

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