Help Needed! Destroy attribute not working! PLEASE
Hello I'm knew to gamesalad and don't know to much but I am experiencing some difficulty in a new game I am trying to create. The Earth is in this middle of the screen and you have to drag the moon around protecting Earth from asteroids. When the moon and an asteroid collide the asteroid is meant to destroy but occasionally it doesn't and just bounces off. I need some help in fixing it. The Earth, Moon and asteroids are circular.
There is another problem on the same app. When a drop/release the moon it will slowly move in the direction it was last hit. Any one know any way to fix this? Please comment even if not entirely sure
This will help you. You will also need to create a rule along the lines of 'when Earth(Actor) collides or overlaps with Asteroid(actor), destroy this actor. You can add a timer with an explosion animation or just let it vanish from the screen
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@jigglybean you mis understood me, a have a collide rule working and a rule that says when moon collides over laps with asteroid destroy this actor. Just occasionally it won't work and will only collide with an asteroid and the asteroid won't disappear
Then its probably the viewer. It can and does bug out sometimes, especially if you view/ make changes a lot, and mostly on the windows version if you are using that
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@jigglybean I use windows. Is there a way to stop it?
Not really. Windows version gets very bloated and hates constant loading of the viewer. The only work around is to save your work on a regular basis, close down GS and open the creator again, then continute
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Ok thanks
@jigglybean fixed both problems! Thanks for the help