Error in GameSalad!!!!
Hi I'm here to report an error in gamesalad
so I imported an audio file the file has been converted to .ogg and when I try to preview the game I get an error saying..
[ Error copying file. Please make sure you don't have any files below open in another program and retry. ]
I have nothing open but gamesalad. There is no way anything is using the file in the background. I have already tried restarting GS and removing the .ogg file and re-importing it.
Any clues as to why this message is appearing?
Hi @HappyGOLUCKY Do you mean you converted your audio file to .ogg before importing it?
If that's the case, that's probably the cause of your problem; reason being, as far as I know, there's a few variations of the Ogg (Vorbis) compression algorithms - so GSC might not recognise it.
And if that's what's happening, the solution is simple: make sure our audio file (intended for Music or Sound) is one of the "rock-solid" audio file formats: .wav or .aiff (definitely .wav for a PC).
Then when you drag the file in, let GSC convert it to .ogg for you. Hope that sorts it - if you've still got problems, I or another member will think again...
""You are in a maze of twisty passages, all alike." - Zork temp domain
@gyroscope I've now converted the files to .wav but unfortunately the same error occurs.
Hmm, OK, let's rule out whether or not it's the particular game file you're working on...
So a suggestion, make a new game file and drag in your .wav (can even try it with your original .ogg as well, if you like) and see if it/they import and play.
""You are in a maze of twisty passages, all alike." - Zork temp domain
@gyroscope well I made a new game file and they seem to work here. What could be going on in my other game file?
I wonder too... try the following, as a suggestion:
Delete any play Sound behaviours - if any - using that sound - and delete the particular problem sound as well, then reimport the sound file. (You might have had a lot of progs open when you first imported it and so the file got corrupted while loading in, possibly....Anyhow, fingers crossed...
""You are in a maze of twisty passages, all alike." - Zork temp domain
@gyroscope Very odd I imported the files and when I hit play they don't sound the same the sounds, sound like static and very odd.
Sounds to me like a corrupt audio file again.... is this with the .ogg file, or the newly-made .wav file?
Either way, maybe go back to a previous game file version before the problem occurred? (You DO save new versions every now and then don't you....
""You are in a maze of twisty passages, all alike." - Zork temp domain
@gyroscope The problem has always occurred I cant seem to get them to work. I tried new wave files I get corrupt sound. I tried converting to .ogg I get them to play in the media tab but then as soon as I assign it to a button in my game it gives me the error --> [ Error copying file. Please make sure you don't have any files below open in another program and retry. ]
I was going to buy pro but now I just don't know what to do. Nothing seems to be working at all.
@gyroscope hey I just found something interesting... I was playing around with it to see what works and what doesn't and I found out that the file doesn't play only with the start button on the scene that's before the game scene. Hmmm not sure if its a bug in the program or what but I found that interesting.
@gyroscope Another revelation is that the sounds don't play when they are associated with a button that takes you to a new scene.
@HappyGOLUCKY All very odd... a small chance there is a bug, I guess, a larger chance some things have become corrupted, I'm thinking.
So now try to replace the button with a freshly-made actor, redoing its Rules and a freshly-imported sound...hopefully that'll help?
""You are in a maze of twisty passages, all alike." - Zork temp domain
@gyroscope I've tried that already with no luck. Question though If I delete GS and re install it can I continue with what I've worked on without losing any data?
Sure, @HappyGOLUCKY - I guess there's the possibility your particular game file will work again - but I'm thinking not, as it's definitely something going on with the game file, not GSC in this particular case. Personally, I don't think it'd be worth your while...
Still think your best bet is to go back to an earlier version, if you have one, and build back up to where you are now, or even - if you haven't got too far - starting fresh....
But one last suggestion before going down that last mentioned route - contact GameSalad support with full details of your problem - I'm not saying it is a bug there to report, but there's been some sort of "tangle/corruption it seems, which they might be able to help you with and give advice to avoid it happening again in the future.
Finally, not saying you do the following, just a bit of general advice- when working in GameSalad Creator, best not to have too many other programs open at the same time - not only has that been known to cause glitches or corruptions in a game file, it's pushing GSC to the limit within a limited amount of RAM.
OK, best of luck.
""You are in a maze of twisty passages, all alike." - Zork temp domain
@gyroscope I just created a fresh project, used the same sound file and the same error popped up when I clicked the button to take me to the next page.
I thought you tried a fresh project earlier with a fresh sound and it worked fine?
Couple more questions - where are you sourcing your sound files from? What Audio Editor are you using to amend/convert them? What happens if you use an unconverted/unedited straightforward .wav file straight from the internet? What are all the Rules in that particular problem button?
""You are in a maze of twisty passages, all alike." - Zork temp domain
@gyroscope No. It worked fine when its just a button(not taking me anywhere like to another scene).
I'm using audacity to convert them.
I'm sourcing them from a folder on my desktop
@gyroscope I have used unedited wave files from the internet gives me the same problem.
Hi @HappyGOLUCKY So if I can get this clear in my mind:
If you use a Play Sound behaviour in the button with just:
When (or Do, is it, on a PC) touch is pressed
Play Sound YourSound
the sound is fine, but when you've got:
When touch is pressed
Play Sound YourSound
Change Scene
The sound plays like static as you previously described? Or that's when you get "[ Error copying file. Please make sure you don't have any files below open in another program and retry. ]" ?
As I suggested earlier, it really would help me try to understand your problem more if you wrote down all of the Rules/behaviours in this button (when it's a problem button)...
""You are in a maze of twisty passages, all alike." - Zork temp domain
OK here's what happens in detail.
So If I import them as pure wave files and have GS convert them to .ogg they sound static just by clicking play sound in the media tab.
If I convert them to .ogg they play when they are associated with a button that doesn't go anywhere. So for example lets say I have a scene (just one scene) and I have button that when touched a sound plays. That works just fine.
The problem occurs when I have lets say 2 scenes and the first scene has a button (start button) and when that button is touched -Change scene and play sound (button click sound). Then the error occurs and the sound doesn't play.
So the error comes up if the rules are set up like this.
When all of the following is happenig
Touch is: **pressed **
play sound
Change scene
Thanks for more detail, @HappyGOLUCKY just occurred to me: have you got Run to copletion checked in the Play Sound behaviour? See if that helps if not.
And if you have already, try putting the Change Scene behaviour into a Timer set to After. .05 second, see if that does it.
If it's the last suggestion which solves the problem then I'm thinking your earlier suggestion of it being a bug is correct...
""You are in a maze of twisty passages, all alike." - Zork temp domain
@gyroscope The first suggestion run to completion does not work.
As for the second suggestion the error goes away but no sound.
This is how I have it set up in the start button actor -->
touch is:pressed
Timer every 0.05 seconds
go to:next scene
play sound
So if the sound you're using you've checked works OK without the go to scene behaviour, but doesn't even with completion checked with a go to scene behaviour, that does sound like a bug then...
As to the 2nd idea, the Timer should be set to After (not Every) - so try that, see if does the trick...
""You are in a maze of twisty passages, all alike." - Zork temp domain
@gyroscope After also odes not work. But here's a theory do you think because I'm testing it out on my PC the results may differ as appose to testing on my android? Perhaps the process of the click to the next scene is happening to fast for the sound to occur?
I'm thinking not - if it's not working on your PC game file, I can't see it working on the Android device (although I could be wrong...)
I've one last idea - a "trick the bug" one if it's a bug - but if that doesn't work, I'm out of ideas now, sorry to say.
And even if it works, I'd advice you contact GS HQ and report it to see if they confirm a bug or not.
Make a boolean, let's call it SP; another called GoLevel
In a blank actor outside of the play area, put:
When SP is true
Play Sound
Change Attribute GoLevel to true
Now back to the problem button:
Rule: When touch is pressed
Change Attribute SP to true
Rule: --nested-- When GoLevel is true
Change Scene
Convoluted, for such a simple thing, but it might avoid the poss. bug...
""You are in a maze of twisty passages, all alike." - Zork temp domain
@gyroscope No luck friend
@gyroscope I did send out a report regarding the error/bug. But I would like to thank you for trying your best to help me out. I really apprentice it.
You're welcome, @HappyGOLUCKY - a shame I couldn't crack the problem for you though. At least you've found a bug that'll be sorted now. Best of luck with your game.
""You are in a maze of twisty passages, all alike." - Zork temp domain
Hi guys, I have exactly the same problem. I'm still beginner with GSC, my problem is exactly the same!
I'm following online tutorial to make one simple game, start screen (menu), has 4 buttons, 4 games, that lead to 4 different scenes, click on them should play sound and lead you to next scene.
If I put buttons, play sound and on touch go to scene, I get that copy error message, and sound doesn't play, if I remove go to next scene, sound works.
I'm as well on PC, Windows 7, and I find it as GSC bug, ... I have a fresh copy of GSC...
If anyone found solution, please help.