Collide - Bounce when colliding with: causes actor to vibrate uncontrollably
I have an actor with 'Collide - Bounce when colliding with:' behavior. When it collides with the actor the type, it bounces sometimes, but most of the time, it will stick with the actor and vibrate repeatedly, basically ending the game.
Has anyone else seen this? Any suggestions?
Have to say no, didn't do much with colliding, but when testing it it all worked out fine!
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It all depends on how you have your behaviors set up. If a behavior continues to tell the actor to go in a certain direction, then it will continue to bang up against the object.
@RThurman is on track. In the actor you are wanting to bounce...I think what you want to do is change it direction value to maybe like "random (1,359). Even if it goes in the direction of the "wall" your colliding with...eventually it will change its random direction away from the "wall". Hope that's helps.
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Thanks for the help! Yes, the actor had another behavior that was causing the actor to head back into the object after it bounced, causing it to bounce again and therefore getting the vibrating behaviour.