good idea?
I believe i have a good idea of a new game but ive thought about it and just stumbled on these two questions..
First question is can we make 3D type games with GS?
second question is can anybody point me in the right direction of a tutorial or something to set up an online server?
i thought id ask before i tried making it as i would have wasted quite alot of time if i started and one of these above questions werent possible to do using GS!!
@AdnanH, GameSalad is a 2D engine.
That said, what type for 3D do you have in mind? True 3D will not be possible.
Regarding online Server
by @jonmulcahy
by @StormyStudio
Although GS only supports asynchronous communication.
Not true 3d but like a football penalty shoot out? ive played a game before which wasnt created on GS but it was something i was inspired by.. i guess its just one of my ideas to make a similar game but i have plenty more ideas if this doesnt work;)
@AdnanH, it seems to me you have enough creativity for a good game.
I would first try to set up the network youre talking about. This seems to be the hardest work if you dont have experience with it.
3d graphics are always usable in gamesalad if thats what u mean..
3d graphics of a penalty shootout is possible.
Good luck bro!
Goodboi Gamestudios | Monster Jumper now on the App Store
Thanks mate. ill hopefully get onto setting up a network within the next few days and hopefully by mid august i shall be in the process if all goes well. looks like you Gs guys will be accompanying me during the process hehe;-)
I have absolutely no experience in GameSalad networking. But it seems possible reading the sticky posts about them. Good luck let me know progress.
Goodboi Gamestudios | Monster Jumper now on the App Store
I realized (semi)3D and networking with GameSalad. Just tell me what exactly you need to know ;-)