Ball bounce (need help) (game folder link attch)
I am working on a game that has a green square you can move left and right. A red ball falls on the green square and your job is to keep bouncing it (Don't let it fall on the floor). I am using three instances of an invisible actor as a wall for the sides of the screen and the top of the screen, so my ball actor won't fall out of the screen. I am also using another actor as an invisible floor, so when the ball hits it, the game will reset. I attached a link with my simple game for anyone to review and help me if they can. I just want my ball to bounce realistically, like a beach ball. Right now the ball bounces like crazy after the first hit. Please let me know if I should have uploaded my game through other methods, so I know. Thanks!
I am happy to have a look but I won't download it from that site. If you want to compress it and upload it here I will have a look.
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How do I do that?
The right hand icon just above the comment box ignore the Image URL at the bottom just use the Choose button or drag and drop the zip file. Don't forget to zip/compress it first or it won't work.
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Shot man... Its not working. I drag it to the paper icon or the chain icon and it won't work. It is zip compressed. I tried uploading it to another site with a direct link upload. I hope that is good enough for you, or if you want to explain it to me again. Sorry, I suck I know.... my bad.
That was the folder I need the .gameproj file
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so you cannot check the game like that?> @colander said:
so you cannot check the game like that?
This is only a PRO feature what I've understood. Doesn't work for me either and have never done.
I recommend you to sign up for a dropbox account. 2 main reason. It's safe to store your projects and if your computer crash you could log in and download your project
And you could share a link,so other people could download. I would not download from either of those to pages,because I don't know what kind of sites those two are. But dropbox is wellknown and as I said,safe
I am using gamesalad for pc... I thought you could open it on mac also, 'cus the games developed in mac I can open on pc....
I didn't realise you were a PC user because you posted in the Mac section of the forum. I started out on the PC version but changed to the Mac version pretty quickly. That was some time ago so it is all a little vague now. I have Parallels on my Mac so I downloaded and fired up the PC version. The GUI is so much better than the Mac version.
Anyway back to your problem, you need to play with your Physic's settings to get it behave how you want. I changed the Player Density to 100 bounciness to 0 and the Ball density to 1 and bounciness to 0.8. This gave a decent imitation of a beach ball.
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That's great advice! I tried it and it was just as you said. Thank you.