Collision issue with Scene Wrapping
Hi, when using scene wrap, is there a way to make collision work so that an object that is split with the wrap can collide on both 'sides'? I have an object which is static and half is on the left of the screen and the other half is on the right. Only one side collides, depending on which side the centre point is, I suppose.
Any ideas of a workaround? Using a fake object and constrain two halves of the original object to that fake object? Still probably having collision shape issues (needs to be sphere)?
No suggestions?
I have not been able to get an object to collide on both side with scene wrap active. I published a Doodle Jump style game a couple months ago and had create my own scene wrapping by hand. By doing this the actor did not appear on both sides of the screen at once so the collisions worked fine. I did something like this:
When the actors X position is > the right edge of the screen
Change actors X to the left edge of the screen ✮ Udemy: Introduction to Mobile Games Development ✮ Learn Mobile Game Development in One Day Using Gamesalad ✮ My Patreon Page