Is Anyone experiencing problems publishing today?
I am getting this error:
You are not authorized to access that resource.
After I click publish and then login.
I have logged out of both creator and my profile, reset the computer logged back in and redone the process and it still errors?
Just wondered if anyone is able to publish today or if its my account?
Ive just seen another thread pop up with the same error. So its a GS thing.
Anybody else receiving this error, please submit a ticket here:
Please give it another shot, I made an update last night to improve page loading significantly, but I missed one of the changes necessary (and for some reason it worked fine on my testing).
We've found the last issue (there's another thread where I've posted this as well and issues were found after my first post on the fix).
In case you were wondering what was happening:
We updated some of our database tables from a string ID to an integer ID. This significantly decreases load times for the publishing page. Unfortunately, our testing worked fine because while comparing lower number ID between strings and numbers worked fine (which is what my test account has), it breaks with higher numbers (which is what most people have). So I needed to created a new account to see the same problems you all were seeing.
I'm really sorry for the problem. Hopefully, the fact that the publishing pages will take less than 3 seconds to load in most cases now (instead of the 4-10 seconds we had been getting) will make up for this issue.
Tested and was lightning fast upload. Thank you for your support @adent42