[SOLVED] How can I make a Ball Bounce off Walls?
Before you ask, yes, I know about the bounciness attribute in physics, but that doesn't seem to make the ball bounce off walls, it just keeps the ball bouncing on the wall, but I want it to bounce off the wall and start moving in the opposite angle it hit the wall in (like how it would work in real life). I really don't know how to ask this in a more understandable way. For example, let's say the ball hits a wall at an angle of 17 degrees, I would then want the ball to start moving at an angle of -17 degrees. Any help would be appreciated.
Have you tried the bounciness in your ph-- oh.
Try these articles:
The template here seems to work well
@allc1865 Thanks. That first link is what helped me the most.
Sure thing!