Windows to Mac
in Help Wanted
Hi guys,
I have bought a new mac today which should arrive tomorrow...
Since I have worked on my game salad project in windows is there a way I can transfer the file onto mac and continue working in it there?
Thanks in advance,
Congrats to your purchase ;-)
Once opened the project in Windows click File -> Save As (or similar) and choose "Save for Mac Creator" and you are good to go.
Keep in mind, once opened in Mac created it is extremely difficult to get this project back to windows 100% working.
Enjoy your new Mac ;-)
It's not save as, because it wont save the file.
You need to do is File > EXPORT and save as a zip file. Then either email it or cloud it to yourself, download it on to your mac and it will open it.
Like Balls? Then click here! We've 100 coming soon
That´s why i said "or similar" as i sit on a Mac right now and couldn't remember exactly that one on Windows ;-) But it works perfectly fine.
Thanks a lot guys and yeah I will enjoy the mac:)
How do I open it in a zip format? Do I just open in game salad in mac or what?
Once you have it on the Mac you should just be able to double click it and the zip file will open and unzip your file