Question about background image
Hi Everyone.. I got a question. When i test the game on a device the background image does not load when switching from certain scenes.. Let me explain my game.. Its 4 games in 1 and when switching back to the main initial screen from 2 of them the background image does not load.. Its just a plain white screen.. This happens when testing on the device not on the simulator.. Any thoughts? One more thing it did work on the device when using an older gamesalad version, 10.4.1, just fine.. What can I do to fix this.. I think i need to upgrade because IAP doesn't seem to work in older gamesalad versions.. Thanks
are those very large images?
Did you test it AdHoc or in the GS Viewer on your device?
I tested it ad hoc... .. the image is 568x320
by the way sometimes it does work.. When switching from 2 games it works, when switching from the other 2 games it doesnt. The 2 games it doesnt work from the difference is that the game requires a click on the game and a click on the level. The other 2 games dont have level selection but i don't know why this would matter
Uhm... are we talking about the main BG Image? Or are those the preview images to the different games?
this is a background image that has the 4 different games on it to be selected. Its just a large image that doesn't load when changing from another scene..
What is the format and dpi of this image?
its png and 72 dpi.. It worked fine in an older version 10.4.1
If it worked in the previous version it might have something to do with now unsupported types of png compression: ✮ Udemy: Introduction to Mobile Games Development ✮ Learn Mobile Game Development in One Day Using Gamesalad ✮ My Patreon Page
thanks for that.. I tried using the program suggested ImageAlpha and saved it and replaced the image and ran into the same problems? Is there something else i need to do? How come sometimes it works and sometimes it doesnt?
tried also method 1 in that post but still same issue
heres the image.. Now what can i do with it to make it work?
nothing wrong with the image as far as i can say for the moment. Seems to be a problem with actor arrangment maybe... hard to say without knowing the project. As soon as i'm back home i will try a few things.
I suspect (but don't know for sure) that this might have something to do with conditions that fail to run when a scene starts. This seems to be a bug that was introduced in the latest release (11) and doesn't happen in 10.4.
How are your images placed into the scene, have you simply placed them into the scene, or do you spawn them, or use a change image behaviour . . . . (etc) ?
The issues I've run into with things not happening at the start of a scene have been resolved by slightly delaying them with a timer (for example if a 'Move To' behaviour failed to run when the game is started, then wrapping it in a 'After 0.2' seconds timer solved the issues).
Of course all this might have nothing to do with your issue
I tried loading the image after 0.5 seconds same problem. I turned off the change image behavior (which really just centers it on the screen. I also tried changing the image to a different image after 0.5 seconds and it works fine with a different image.
How did you do this ?
i used change image. attribute self.time >0.5 = true
tried some things.. tried putting this image instead and the image loaded every time
I then tried taking that image and copying the other one over it and saving it and it didn't work the same as before.
I also tried copying the image that works over the image that works and saving it, and it works fine.. I wonder what about the first image causes problems..
Edit: Tried scribbling all over the initial photo in gimp
Now it works after that scribble!
at times though it still didn't work so i turned pre-load off and it now so far as worked every time. this bug has frusturated me for a while..Anyway i hope it is finally solved..