Spawning at dynamic coords. Particles on a rotating actor.

Can you make something spawn relative to the rotation of the master actor? Is it more simple than I'm making it?
If everything was a circle it wouldn't matter. But somehow the spawn point needs to be Anchored . What if you want to make a spinng fire extinguisher? Or jet ship with dual motors, how do you make the exhaust match up with the rotating ship? And it's motors.
Here are a couple threads that might help:
Thank you @RThurman for responding. Let me tell you what I'm making at the moment, a painting game where you use two fingers to hold a pole with a roller on the end. So the paint doesn't spawn at your fingers or at a random distance, but at the end of the stick.
Figuring out how far the mark needs to spawn from the actor is easy, but calculating how much of it is on which axis is puzzling me, because the stick can be rotated freely.
Place the spawner at . . .
X pos = Distance from the actor multiplied by cos (angle of the actor) + X position of the actor
Y pos = Distance from the actor multiplied by sin (angle of the actor) + Y position of the actor