Tip: If your GS Editor behaves very slow... (Mac)
...make sure you don't work from a server or raid system.
Keeping your project file on your local hd will give your work with the editor a boost!
...make sure you don't work from a server or raid system.
Keeping your project file on your local hd will give your work with the editor a boost!
You should also run a Disk Utility. I did it recently and GS doesn't seem to slowdown as much after working for a long time.
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Ive noticed mine slow down after an hour or so of use. I just put it down to the mac being confused easily.
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If you restart your computer it'll be going "fast" again. Just remember to save
I constantly have to save and close GS out and reopen the project.
I'm running 4gbs of ram and a core i5 not too shabby but after 45 minutes or so things bog down. 2012 mac with not much use. I don't get it. But I can live with it
Same here - I got a Mac Pro after giving up on the Windows version of GS - 8GB ram, SSD (loads of space spare), GTX 460, and GS runs my projects beautifully - as smooth as on the phone, BUT the editor is unbelievably slow/laggy - just scrolling the actors' behaviours window up and down is soul-destroyingly slow - is there anything I can do to increase the speed/responsiveness when editing or expanding behaviours for an actor, as this is awful!
For everything else, this Mac absolutely flies, esp. due to using the SSD, but this one aspect of Mac GS is driving me absolutely mad! - Scrolling is sooooooo slow I have to literally drag and wait for the bahaviour list/tree to catch up (jerkily) - it's deffo not an issue with the Mac - other apps, including the latest games, Photoshop, Office, etc, all work and scroll responsively!
Yeah i always do that... After 3 hours of work i do a restart and its back to fast...
If GS slows down simply quit out and relaunch the program. I run my files on a remote drive and never slows it down. On a Mac it's always a good idea to do a permission repair once a month to keep your machine running smooth.
Guru Video Channel | Lost Oasis Games | FRYING BACON STUDIOS
Cheers guys - I'll try the permissions thing, but I'm talking firing up GS, going straight into a project, clicking on an actor, getting the backstage up, and scrolling through it - so I'm pretty doubtful about the restarting side of things, as it literally chugs as soon as I open GS, and doesn't appear to get any better/worse? - The SSD is directly connected to an on-board MAC Sata port, and the speed which the project loads, scene changing, gfx importing, and even running are virtually instant - it's literally JUST the scrolling through the backstage that's sooo..... bloody.... slooooooow.... argh.
Can anyone from GS perhaps offer some advice? - I could capture video to show it happening, but obviously all I'm gonna be able to do is show how fast everything else is, and how excruciatingly slow the scrolling/navigation through an actor's behaviours is!
Finally, I imported my WIN GS (10.5) exported project into MAC GS (11), and I'm not sure if I'm missing anything here, but my project needs massive clean-up ops each time I do it!?! - ie. custom Actor attributes disappear, causing blank and invalid references - expressions and attribute fields in behaviours (and no idea what they originally were without painstakingly cross-ref'ing with the Windows project), and worse, some of the actors seem to have lost their entire unlocked behaviours, and reverted to an obsolete or empty locked set of behaviours?!
Finally, and I think this may be related to that regional (though the opposite effect/cause), but any values I have (say 500) in an expression, become "5 0 0" - I then have to hunt around all of my expressions to find and fix these, and get my originally-working project working again!
Can't believe this is an unaddressed bug, so does anyone have a workaround please?! - I was hoping to even hop back and forth, dev'ing on my PC when away from home, and exporting to MAC when back, but at this point I'll just settle for a painless one-off import, WITHOUT having to re-enter reams of information and (re-)create custom self attributes for my actors - this is costing me tonnes of effort where it should have just smoothly opened the exported project? - surely?!
Appreciate any help guys, but most of all, I'd appreciate a GS dev member at least interjecting (and I mean - in a helpful way!)...
I'm not a fan of the windows version or windows period. I haven't used windows OS in 20 years. Everything I own is Apple except for my kindle's for testing Amazon and Android.
Guru Video Channel | Lost Oasis Games | FRYING BACON STUDIOS
Yep, have to say I do like using Windows, just that GS for Win is a nightmare! - I've also just found out that copying and pasting a copy of a scene within the Windows version of GS causes the EXACT SAME ISSUE... ie. any custom self attributes, unlocked behaviours referencing scene->items, etc, all screw up and lose their settings - that's just well, crap. So when I copy a scene, I have to re-do any of these affected behaviours, either trying to work them out or cross-ref them against my original working ones? - seriously, that's just ridiculous.... I'm really trying to like GS, but between scrolling on the MAC version being horrendous, and the Win version just being plain horrendous and buggy as hell, I'm losing the will to keep at it...
Also worth noting is that once an actor has enough logic in it is slows GS right down even if you've freshly launched.
I will break more complex logic into separate actors to avoid this issue, when possible.
Contact me for custom work - Expert GS developer with 15 years of GS experience - Skype: armelline.support
That actually sounds like very good advice @Armelline - might explain it... I'll take a look, but actually looking to re-jig and balance logic between actors anyway - will post if this helps in my situation!
All the best, and thanks all...