Share helpful links

ArmellineArmelline Member, PRO Posts: 5,376
edited July 2014 in Community Tutorials

I think it would be very handy to put together a comprehensive list of helpful links that new (and old) GameSalad user can refer to. These could be for anything that might help someone make their game.

A few examples:

Suggested types of links:

  • Art and design links - either resources or tutorials
  • Music - sources of free or cheap music
  • GameSalad resources - links to tutorials or (free) templates etc.
  • Sound FX - links to sites that help you generate sound fx or offer free ones
  • Mac/Windows applications - links to Mac or Windows applications that you find helpful working with GS
  • Sites that help with advertising or promoting your game
  • Anything else you think might be helpful!

I have a pretty healthy list going already, but I'm positive there are many more sites that the awesome members of this community can recommend! Once I've compiled all the recommendations posted here and added them to my list, I'll sort and order and annotate them and make the whole list available in one handy post.

Looking forward to seeing the great suggestions!


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