Amazon help
Hey Guys,
I have been following Frying Bacon studios tutorials (3 parts) on Amazon publishing and IAP etc.
The third part is giving me a headache. I have installed the following:
Android SDK
Amazon SDK
They have all been placed in the home folder with the right names.
The problem. Eclipse does not seem to find the Kindle Fire HD i am trying to test on. It does find the Android sdk, but does not seem to find the amazon sdk even though i direct it to the right library.
Another problem is that when trying to add the Kindle files in the Android SDK manager nothing happens (Add on sites: I found a new post saying that Amazon did not support this any longer.
Can some of you guys share how you test your amazon builds?
all help appreciated (although i am about 10 minutes away from throwing this kindle out the window while cursing it to hell)
Have you updated your SDK? It should run right off the bat. As for the add-on.
click TOOLS > Manage Add-ons > User defined Sites > New - thats where you add the link
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I have updated the Android SDK. Can i update the Amazon SDK somewhere?
I have attached a screen dumb of how eclipse looks at the amazon SDK.
You shouldnt need to update the Amazon SDK. By linking it into your Android SDK, it will automatically check and update when you scan for updates with Android SDK.
I don't really use eclipse now so can't help you there
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okay, thanks Jigglybean... How do you test your amazon builds then, if not using Eclipse?
I don't design for Kindle only. I do Android, so use my current devices which works just as well
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anyone testing amazon builds?