Set Hierarchy For Spawned Actors In Slots

WSWWSW Member Posts: 7

Hi Everyone. I’m creating a word game that uses table-generated images as letters. These image/letters are set to generate one second after an animation runs, and the actions work off actors in the actor running the animation.

I’m trying to slot those image/letters in different, set X/Y coordinate slots (Slot A, Slot B, etc.). Generating them into a slot isn’t so much the issue, but I’m having trouble setting it to skip slots that have been filled.

The scenario is this: There are five slots. When users drag and drop a letter into a slot (a la hangman) from the third slot, it empties it. But when the next letter comes down the pipe, it should loop around the first two slots (which are filled) and populate the third slot. I’ve created actors and booleans for each slot, but I'm just having the worst time trying to figure out the right combination to use to loop the actions through.

Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks!


  • 3DMA3DMA Member, PRO Posts: 162

    Hey @WSW‌
    Some screenshots can be extremely helpful in this situation as i don´t understand 100% how you´ve set up your project.

  • WSWWSW Member Posts: 7

    Hey @3DMA‌

    Sure, and thanks for the reply (and sorry I didn't reply sooner, the noticed spammed into my email).

    So here's the video of essentially where I am (don't mind the art, we're way off right now):

    That acorn animation/generation comes from this actor, which calls on the second posted actor, which works off a table to randomly select a letter [(tableCellValue( game.Table 1 ,random(1,26),1)]:

    My goal is to have those acorn letter images that generate after the acorn animation finishes populate one of five slots with predetermined x/y coordinates along that line. And when one of those slots is emptied, say #3, when a new letter is generated, it knows to populate that slot instead of Nos. 1 and 2 that are already populated. I've been trying to come up with a proper combination of rules, and this is where I left it to take a brain break. This image is with two attributes, one boolean (Warren_Launch) and one integer (Max_Warrens), starting at False and 0.0. The change attributes in each one +1 Max_Warrens and flip Warren_Launch to the opposite T/F.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

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