Adhoc:error when trying to sign ADHOC app for testing on device.
I have gone throughout the whole process of: Publish: Generate new Game: Downloading: then when i get to the start app signing process it downloads and ask for the app signing settings, but my iOS provisioning profile does not show the correct one, and won't let me choose another that was created for this app? anyone have a breakdown of what to do to correct this?
error below is what is shown when i use the only iOS provisions profile that shows ( obvious the wrong one).
Code Signing Error 1: iPhone Developer: gary cooper (7848CN2RP7): ambiguous (matches "iPhone Developer: gary cooper
(7848CN2RP7)" and "iPhone Developer: gary cooper (7848CN2RP7)" in /Users/garycooper/Library/Keychains/login.keychain)Make sure your provisioning profile, developer certificate, and WWDR certificate are installed, valid, not expired or duplicated, and signed with a private key in the keychain on the computer you are signing with.
Further to the above, i have a developer account with apple, but i can't choose add iOS certificate app store and adhoc this is faded out and i can't choose it?
Did you create all necesary certificates and provisioning profile in the developer section? Did you install sayd provisioning profile on your computer? Did you register your device for development?
Just a few hints... maybe it helps
There are 100 if not 1000s of tutorials on how to do this, just have a look.
Your Keychain Contains Duplicate Code Signing Identities
You get one of these error messages when there are duplicate code signing identities in your keychain, such as two development identities or two distribution identities (your keychain must contain at most one code signing identity of each type):
Build error "iPhone Developer: (XYZ123ABC): ambiguous (matches "iPhone Developer: (XYZ123ABC)" in /Library/Keychains/System.keychain and "iPhone Developer: (XYZ123ABC)" in /Users/../Library/Keychains/login.keychain)"
To address these errors, try deleting the duplicate code signing identities from your keychain, as described in “Removing Signing Identities from Your Keychain.”
Thanks out to SilentBob for that info of duplicate code signing identities.
deleted the duplicate code signing identities, and now have a working ADHOC app on my phone...
This can now be closed.......
Many Thanks.