My game keeps on crashing on older devices...WHY??
Ok my game works perfectly fine with the 3rd generation devices, however it always crashes on ipod touch 2nd gen and older and Iphone 3G and older. I know they have slower processors, but my game is only 7MB. What could be the problem? I have sometimes around 7-8 moving actors in a scene, my first scene which only has two moving actors works fine, but when moving to the next level where theres about 5 moving actors, the actors jump extremely slowly, im talking like 1mm ever 10 seconds, and I cant even move my main actor in that scene. After that I cannot longer play anymore and have to quit and go back to the home menu. I tried it on the Ipad yesterday and it worked perfectly fine as well..If anyone has went through this before, please comment and let me know what I have to do to fix this..THANKS
When you test it with GS Viewer, what does the RAM usage say?
Up near 40MB will crash an older device.
I have found that around 40-45MB or so, it will crash on a iPhone 3G.
You have much less memory to play with on the older devices.
Make sure all of your audio is compressed as small as possible. Make sure your sound effects are saved as mono. If they are stereo, you are essentially loading twice the amount of audio files.
Make sure your background music is as small as possible. Use a free program called Audacity to convert your background music into .mp4 format, and make sure it is as tiny as you can get it. Mono as well.
Make sure all of your graphics are as optimized as possible. If they need transparency, make sure they are saved as 72dpi 24-bit .png files.
If they don't need transparency, make sure they are saved as 72dpi 8-bit .png files.
I would think that those are the main culprits, especially if you are hitting 56MB on your main menu screen.
Good Luck!
Just wondering, what did you do to get it down to 21-23 from 56?
I'm thinking I'm going to check my image sizes haha I knew it mattered just didn't realize it mattered so much unless your images were like 1920x1200 haha
Anyway, gratz and goodluck!
Maybe I should haha....
It gives you stats, where all your stuff is going? Sounds handy
Plus it gives you stats on the computer screen as you play so you can check RAM usage and other things.
Also, it saves all of the games that you play on it so you can easily show your friends when you are not using your computer.