This asynchronous server thing...
Just asking this question makes me feel I it's obvious it's way over my head...but here goes.
An asynchronous server...does it allow me to have a server that "I" can upload a "pic of the day" to it and the user view this in the app? One pic per day...I would edit the pic...add text all on my iPad, upload it and the app user would see it...
Sounds pretty simple. I feel this would work no different than having a if like the first image the user sees to be the "pic of the day". Then be able to click for article. Have a back button to view past pics of the day.
I'd rather not just have a GS enabled browser take them to a blog.
Just asking for quick opinions.
I think it's possible, yes. I haven't even begun to play with my own server, I've always gone through Together Games -- but what you're saying sounds like it should work on your own server. I'm just wondering if you'll need to have the image already imported into your game and then the game asks the server which image to pull, or if you're able to actually download an image from your server.
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@Braydon_SFX I was hoping to upload pics as I see fit. More on the fly...but having them previously uploaded is not out of the scope.
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You can only send tables. You can not send images or sounds