Tweet Sheet and Android....Sad Face!
Well I did not know till today when Amazon rejected "Wboko Odyssey" that the Tweet sheet does not work in Android... Sad Face!
But, I found somewhat of a work around and want to share it with you all...
Use the "Open URL" behavior (sorry pro only) and add the following link: TEXT YOU WANT TO USE.
That will send the customer to twitter with the text you add for them to tweet. Sorry I did not find a quick fix for the image yet, but maybe the GS team with have some of these things sorted soon.
It is not perfect, but it works for now.
Good luck!
Lord only knows why this was only integrated with iOS!
Only thing I can figure is they are using the IOS API to do the work for the tweet sheet....
Yup they are doing that but not sure why didn't look at the Android API as well. Seems amateurish to say you support publishing for these different platforms yet the behaviours don't work on some of them!
Now that is a true statement @beefy_clyro!
I am hoping with the new playtogether deal things will get better.....
To me it just means focus will now be on that and things like this will be left as is
was this fixed?
Thanks for the workaround.
Tweet Sheet Still does not work for me on Android using Creator 0.13.14 on Mac, as of 05/28/2015. I am a bit miffed as I paid for PRO because I wanted access to this feature among other things. The fact that it doesn't work across platforms is frustrating.
Is there an attribute we can use to determine which OS the user is running to put in a rule so that we can use the tweet sheet for iOS and the open URL behaviour with Android?
this will be fixed in 0.14
Thanks. In the meantime, any idea how to add hashtags to the content in the open URL behavior? The url interprets them as anchors so they don't wind up in the resulting tweet. For example, " YOU WANT TO USE #gamesalad" ends up with the tweet: TEXT YOU WANT TO USE. I've tried using the escape html character & # 3 5 ; (spaces added so it will show up here) in place of the #, but the result is the same and single quotes around the # just produce an invalid expression.
# = %23
and replace the spaces with
I ended up using an @ instead of a # as a workaround- not ideal but at least it works and I can still see how many people tweet. Now however, I find the URL behavior only works on Android. I could fork the game into two different versions- one for Android and one for iOS, but that would cause all kinds of headaches. Is there any way to tell which platform the user is on? If not directly then perhaps by screen size?
OK I think I may have figured it out- I tried putting both the Tweetsheet and OpenURL into an onTouch rule and iOS uses the tweetsheet behavior and Android opens the URL. However, now, after I close the tweet, none of the touch events on the page work...
Edit: Unchecked "Use embedded browser" in the OpenURL behavior and that did the trick.
To enter custom text and symbols, simply goto this site:
and enter the text you want to tweet and the paste it into the open url behaviour starting with the following URL:
As for detecting platforms, we can't do that. But what I do is put an attribute in you game called game.platform and I run rules that fire platform related behaviours like tweet sheet and more games links. For example I put if game.platform=1 use tweet sheet and if game.platform=2 use open url. Then you can build a single build for multi platforms and all you do is before you publish, simply change the platform attribute to the corresponding platform your publishing. In general I use 1=Apple 2=Google Play 3=Amazon. This works great when messing about with rate buttons and more games links to your developer account.
I'm just coming back to this after a while so thanks @gingagaming for your reply.
@BlackCloakGS wrote:
I assume that was referring to the OS attribute which now works great and not tweet sheet for Android. Any idea when that might happen?
In the meantime, it looks like there is no need to use an escape character in the url for # with the hashtag per - a url like,hashtag2 will do.
Now I am trying to find a way to post images in tweets in Android, but it looks like the web intent API doesn't really support this. Perhaps a workaround would be to post a url to an image instead, or maybe an "in-reply-to."
Edit #1: Adding a URL just posts the url in the tweet itself. Perhaps in-reply-to is a better option.
Edit #2: Well, the in-reply-to argument doesn't seem to work for me at all so I guess it is back to the drawing board.
Edit #3: Found this tutorial: - will see if it works and report back...
Edit #4: YES! It worked! The final url looks like this in the expression editor:
" is the message&hashtags=hashtag1,hashtag2&url=http%3A%2F%2F"
Does tweet sheet now work on android?
@smurfted Have you tried it?
I did. From my test apk when i clicked the button, nothing...
Why wouldn't this work?
No idea, but I found out the hard way that this still does not work for Android.
UPDATE There is a work around now for this now. I recently found a way to post to Facebook and Twitter (pictures included!) just like the tweet sheet did including your scores. (Previously you couldn't post scores to Twitter on android only via tweet sheet on iOS). I'm away from my office right now but I'll knock up a sample project for those wanting this feature and post it tomorrow. This method will post to both iOS and android and is capable of posting both live scores and pics to both Facebook and Twitter from both iOS and Android.
@Wboko @beefy_clyro @LuMa Games @Agent Argyle @smurfted @chaosmasterro
Here is a current workaround with project attached here: