Problem with a platform
Hello, i have a problem with one platform , is a small lag that only happens when i start the game for first time, when my actor hero die and the scene is reset there is no lag.
the rule is this: when platform collides with actor hero: destroy platform, spawn actor platformcopy (position x:0 , y:0)
, when platformcopy, overlap or collides with actor hero move direction 90, speed 200, relative to scene.
can you help me?, thanks.
IS a platform than when the actor hero collide with it is moving up, but without any interpolation, the lag is only when the actor hero is near the first platform, and only when i start the game for first time, I can see too that when i start a new scene and after that my actor hero dies is like all the interpolations want to start like 0.2 seconds after, and if the actor hero come in the scene for first time,is not like he dies and the scene is reset when the scene is reseted, the interpolation start 0.2 seconds after, sorry for my English i can understand English quite well, but i can´t talk very well.