Pro or not pro? that is the question
Hi guys, So since I might buy pro today , I was wondering will I get my money back? like can I actually get profit for making games with pro and adding IAd? is there more features in Pro that is not mentioned?
Best Answer
jigglybean Posts: 1,584
In a word, it all depends on how good your work is. You could probably make some cash through adverts, but again this all depends on install base.
I've made over 8x the cost of GS Pro from just 1 app and 1x through adverts already. So, I would say yes.
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I've been a lurker for a very long time now. You may see this is my 1st post. I am wondering that myself but as I have read now and again, people will reply that it is not the game engine that will make you money. It is your creativity and skill. iAds will not make noticeable money unless you have a great game and make a lot of impressions. When I say a lot, I mean a lot! Like millions a day! If you're confident enough, you can sell your game for 99c. But then users nowadays seem to believe you owe them something. Just because they bought an expensive Apple product, users believe they also bought you (developer). So charging 99c is too much for them. If you have been learning GS, you might have crossed with Jamie. He is quite popular with his GS tutorial videos in youtube. Here is his blog:
Every feature in PRO is already mentioned. No hidden features.
I might get PRO too eventually someday. But I'm still learning and stacking-up making many games before I do that.
@yattamove brilliant first post you couldn't of explained it any better
It's like playing the lottery, you never know, you could make $5 on your game or you could make $1,000,000 on your game, like @jigglybean said, it depends on your work but 75% of games (even good ones) don't ever make it past 500 downloads. Also don't forget in-app purchases too! Those can bring in a lot of money too. So my answer is yes, it's worth it. (even though i'm not even pro myself yet
I think it's definitely worth the money! I got pro just recently and am hoping to put some of the features into my new game. Also publishing to the android market is a plus.
Thanks @Adamgopro
I've read a lot from the forums it hurts my eyes. Ha ha ha!
I am actually in your shoes too. That's why I'm reading a lot before finally giving in. Yes Android is an additional income you may consider. But selling your game there is tougher. And people will bash you in the rating section if you spam your app with ads. Just think very well where you position them and when they will appear. I heard Amazon store is lucrative lately. You can try selling there. But remember, ads don't pay well in Amazon so you better make it paid or with iAP. Amazon is earning millions from iAP. They are currently being sued because people are claiming kids are doing the purchases.