Anyone answer this?
When uploading to app store via application loader I get an error Unable to authenticate the package 904290931.itmsp
When uploading to app store via application loader I get an error Unable to authenticate the package 904290931.itmsp
I think it may be down to my iOS Provisioning Profile, created new one's following instructions off a vid on youtube but when I go to sign my app I take it there should be a list to pick from when signing it in gamesalad in the app signing settings but all it shows I my iOS Team Provisioning Profile? I double clicked the one's created PoliceRadio2distribution.mobileprovision and PoliceRadioADHOC30714.mobileprovision, should these not have been installed via xcode? how can I check in xcode to check this?
In Xcode go to 'Editor' at the top and select 'provisioning profiles' then 'import file'.
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
I have tried that but everything is greyed out?
Have gone to editor at the top of the screen, only shows, show completions, edit all in scope, fix all in scope, show issue, issues, structure, code folding, syntax coloring, show invisibles, show blame for line, that all, no select provisioning profiles?
First try double clicking your provisioning profile, then going into Xcode.
Also, do you have the latest version of Xcode installed?
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
I have the latest version of xcode installed? 5.1.1? double clicked the PoliceRadioADHOC30714 this has shown in provisioning profiles in xcode, but can't add anymore,,,, getting there slowly, anymore advice.
after install application loader stops saying application loader is currently unavailable, the certificate for this server is invalid.
getting very frustrated now......HELP
Update: have got rid of the error on application loader..Phew.
HI Again!!
Well have got the application loader working, but it seems my signing of my app is still wrong. in the background activity everything completes except when it get to authenticating with the iTunes, then verifying metadata with the iTunes store then it throws me an error** (Unable to authenticate the package **********.itmsp), **
I must be doing something wrong somewhere but cant figure it out???
It must be when I am signing when publishing with gamesalad, like I said before when it comes to the signing of the app it still only shows my iOS Team Provisioning profile.?
Go to Xcode's file menu and select Preferences/Accounts sign in and click View Details then click the refresh arrow bottom left. This will update/install all you profiles.
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will try that and get back to you,
still the same, did what you said and refreshed it added some, but I still have the same problem!!!!
anymore ideas.??
There are three choices when creating a provisioning profile Development, Ad Hoc and App Store. Did you create an App Store provisioning profile and use it to sign your app after you published it on the GameSalad Publishing server? If so make sure this is the one you are trying to upload to Apple. Check the iTunes Bundle Identifier matches the one in your App Store provisioning profile.
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Yes I created both development and Ad Hoc and App Store, and App store provisioning profile, but that is where the problem is: when I try to sign it on the gamesalad publishing server it only show my iOS Team Provisioning profile, none of the ones that I have created?, checked the iTunes Bundle identifier and that's correct?
Would it be better to start afresh and delete these and create new ones?
Another question: what should show in the keychain, my keychain shows:
iPhone Distribution:my name: (***********) Certificate and the expiry date.
iPhone Developer:my name (**********) Certificate and the expiry date.
then another: have not a clue what this is: and a long number: and the expiry date.
that is all that is in my keychaing.???
thanks for you help, really need to get this sorted....
Have just had a look into the iOS provisioning profiles (Development) and there are a lot of old development profiles in there that I don't need would it be ok to delete these? they all say Active (managed by Xcode).there is also one named iOS Tem Provisioning Profile:* with App ID: Xcode iOS Wildcard App ID() this is the only one that shows when I try to sign the app with gamesalad??.
Looked in iOS Provisioning Profiles (Distribution) and the 2 that I created yesterday AD HOC and Distribution show (no others) and both say Active, they don't have anything next to them saying managed by Xcode.
Boy am I getting mixed up here....
If your App Store provisioning profile is installed in XCode it will show up in the drop down list when you download your published app from the GS Publishing website. You then use it to sign your app if it is not in the list then it is not installed in XCode. When you refreshed XCode as I described earlier did your App Store provisioning profile appear in the list above the refresh arrow?
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You haven't mentioned App Store provisioning profile. Sign into your Apple Developer account click on Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles/Provisioning Profiles/Distribution and hit the "+" top right. Click the radio button beside "App Store" and Continue and create your mobile provisioning profile. Then go back to Xcode as described earlier and refresh your profiles. It should then appear in the list above the refresh arrow and in the list after you download your app from the GS Publishing server/website.
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done as you asked, but still only show iOS Team Provisioning Profile:* in the App Signing settings no others, in keychaine it has installed the iPhone Distribution certificate and developer certificate, I may be getting all this wrong and may have to start from scratch. by deleteing all certificate and profiles? would this be a good thing to do or would it not be advisable.?? just to clear everthing out and start from scratch?
I am out of ideas unless someone else has any starting from scratch is might fix it.
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