Autorotate on new scenes get wrong orientation and causing trouble (bugreport filed)
I filed this bug report today but thought I'd give you a heads up might you have trouble with this.
This is a bug report, I tested thoroughly and am pretty sure it is indeed a bug.
Case: second scene in portrait modes autorotate landscape left as default instead of portrait
- Open GameSalad creator on mac
- create a new document
- Set Platform to iPhone portrait, Nook Color portrait or Kindle Fire portrait (iPad and iPhone Legacy are working fine)
- goto the scenes tab and add a scene
Now on scene 1 the default autorotate is Portrait, on scene 2 (and any following scenes) it is Landscape Left.
The last should be Portrait too!
This effects the scene change on Android (not tested on iOS) and results in scene either not wanting to change or pause and jump back to the initial scene or sometimes in a crash.
Workaround is to put the autorotate on a new made scene to Portrait.