How do you make an actor invisible?
I am trying to keep an actor on the scene so when user clicks on the left half of my screen, the avatar moves left. But I don't want it to be visible. I've right clicking and send to back / send backward but it's not working and it is the top layer. so it covers everything else on the page.
I've also tried using a blank gif image as the image but it's still blocking everything else on the page. Seems to be a bug from the app.
Any suggestions on how to fix it?
You just change the opacity of the actor to 0 by double clicking on it and changing it's colour properties. I'm not sure that's entirely what you're asking for, you can also select scene and then layers and move around the layers and select the items you have on your scene.
If you want to change its visibility at runtime change the actors Alpha setting under Colour. If it is always invisible uncheck Visibility under Physics.
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confused. The actor is the avatar?? Do you want the person to be able to click on the invisible actor and have the actor move?
actor opacity set to 0 will make it invisible. You could use it in the back layer and everything else in front.
Sorry I don't fully understand what you are trying to do.