What can Mac version do that Windows doesn't?
I'm on a mac for the next 4 hours! I'm gonna try to publish to Amazon with the Revmob/Chartboost that I see in the publishing site{says requires 11.0, while Windows 10.4 prevents use of this.}
Anything else that Mac does? I remember the display font does amazing things, but I can't remember what.
It works better.
Guru Video Channel | Lost Oasis Games | FRYING BACON STUDIOS
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I see. Are you able to get an actor's self. attributes called from an actor that isn't that actor? On windows version 10.4, it's not possible.
@Franto No, you can not! That's why they are self.attributes. I agree that it would make somethings easier, but there are of course work arounds. You could use tables or game.attributes and copy the values to them.
I see, theres a damage system I want to implement, but it requires taking self.attributes from different actors, putting them through an equation, and them applying the result to the 2nd actor's self.HP. Have all the kinks out of tables been worked out?{My fear with tables is that I've seen in the past games have errors when submitting to app stores because of tables. So all this time, I've stayed away, until now, lol.} I might give tables a shot again afterall.
Im thinking of say putting all attacks into an "attack" group. So when actors overlap any from that group, the calculation takes "self.attack" of the attack thats overlapping, and divides it by the "self.defense" of the target its overlapping, and subtract the result from targets self.hp. However, what would happen if multiple attacks hit at the same time, I'd want the damage to stack, rather than only a single actor's damage being registered. So many things to take into consideration that I keep pushing my testing with tables and damage for later.
Best of all, you can publish to the app store
@Franto I've never heard anything bad about tables, but I haven't published any games yet so I can't be sure. I really do hope that there's no such problem as most of my games are using lots of tables.
As for your attack problem, you could create a game attribute called totalAttack or something like that. Then you add/multiply the overlapping actors attack to that attribute. Let me know if I'm missing something.
I hope this will you
I see, they probably fixed most table problems by now, since last I heard was months ago. Yeah, but don't game attributes lack stacking? 0_ O lol I sometimes have up to 10 enemies on screen.
I tried out @tatiang healthbar demo, a while back and now, I can understand it more now, but I don't know how to feel about the 0.1, 0.2, and so on delays so that multiple actors don't get the same i.d. It's a good system, but I wish Game Salad has a similar system implemented the way they have physics automatically implemented, since damage calcs are something that need being automatic, lol.
There were never table problems. This is what game level attributes are for. Game level attributes can be read from anywhere. The point you make about summing is nonsense. This is what coding is. Building logic and doing functions et... This needs to be done in line coding as well. Everything can't be automatic. Do the work..lol
Guru Video Channel | Lost Oasis Games | FRYING BACON STUDIOS
Sorry for my lack of terminology. And a while back, there was mention of there being problems with Tizen exports if you had tables, but I'm not sure about the other exports, maybe I mistook the game circle or leaderboard rejection problems in some threads.
Not automated, I guess that would be the wrong word for me to use, I guess I should say more easily accesible, like how theres already attributes built in to each actor to affect friction and so on and all you have to do is include a behavior for collisions for it to work, so I thought maybe there should be built in Attack and defense attributes or the option to put them into an actor. So that they check each other the way friction checks your actor against other actors.
You can use tags and create something similar.
Guru Video Channel | Lost Oasis Games | FRYING BACON STUDIOS