repel and actor?
Hey all,
I'm trying to set an actor (a block) so that it will repel another actor. Can someone steer me in the right direction? Should I look into using magnitude for this?
I'm trying to set an actor (a block) so that it will repel another actor. Can someone steer me in the right direction? Should I look into using magnitude for this?
In my case, I want the moving actor to be affected by the repelling object. So imagine if a balloon (actor) were drifting across a room and comes in contact with a fan that blows it up.
How about if that repel object was like a trampoline? So when the actor comes in contact with it it bounces away, or to a new direction. Ideally my main actor would travel along and have a change a direction from these repelling objects. I would like to be able to move/rotate these objects in order to help direct the main actor through the scene. Makes sense? BTW, the balloon was just a reference. The main actor is not a balloon.
--Move:relative to actor, speed 100
--Collide: with actor2
--Accelerate 90* relative to actor, speed 300.
--no behaviors
--and is set at an angle in the travel path of actor1. Ideally when actor1 collides with actor2 it should influence to change actor1's direction and speed. Think of kitty cannon as it hits a trampoline mid flight it gets a boost!
Obviously this is not working. I have a hunch that I should be looking at magnitude but I'm not clear on this this works. Anyone??