Twitter open url help please
Ok, so i've just released Freakatron Neon Snake on amazons appstore. I want to post to twitter, it opens the url, but doesnt post my message, am i missing something? heres the open url
Give it a go and see if you can beat my hiscore.
You dont need all the +
"I just beat my highscore on #freakatron"
Like Balls? Then click here! We've 100 coming soon
That should work for you! Maybe add a hashtag and/or your account in there for increased chanse of being recognized.
If you don't know how to format the link there is a very easy way to do so. All you need to do is to go to and write what you want the tweet to say. Press generate link and go to that url. Now you should see something like:
What you can do is to remove the &source=clicktotweet. No need to give them any credit
I hope this will work for you and good luck with your game!
Awesome info, thanks guys....