(CLOSED) Unpause Doesn't Work
I created a pause actor with an attribute to pause and go to a pause scene when the actor receives event touch is pressed. This works. I also created an unpause actor with an attribute to unpause when the the actor receives event touch is pressed. Nothing happens. Is there a a way to solve this issue so that I can return to gameplay upon pressing the unpause actor?
Check your unpause rule. Is the change scene behavior pointing to the scene you want?
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yes it is
Bigger question, is the actor with the unpause behavior in the scene that the pause behavior goes to?
yes it is
Problem solved. I had updated the pause actor with the pause attribute (replacing the old change scene attribute), but I had not replaced the old pause actor in my scene with the updated pause actor. Thus, pause was never triggered, so there was nothing to unpause. I deleted the old pause actor and replaced it with the updated pause actor and voila, it worked!