@Approw No need to implement one. I have not done it and my games have been accepted on the Amazon store. I believe it is only required for IOS apps. Hope that helps ...
Yes that is all you need. I think with the new system the Restore Items should be redundant as the Request Purchase Data does this anyway every time the app starts. Maybe it is just to keep Apple happy.
no one?
@Approw No need to implement one. I have not done it and my games have been accepted on the Amazon store. I believe it is only required for IOS apps. Hope that helps ...
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@neoman thanks for the reply! I can submit now:)
a question....in a ios app you need it, but is it just to put the "in app purchase - restore items" in a when touch is pressed rule on a button
Homepage: freneticgamez.eu/
Yes that is all you need. I think with the new system the Restore Items should be redundant as the Request Purchase Data does this anyway every time the app starts. Maybe it is just to keep Apple happy.
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thanks for the answer
Homepage: freneticgamez.eu/