The Definition of Insanity.
They has been some huge changes and alot of them are great and in depth and for the better. But the biggest change Im not seeing here is this.
Allowing time and effort to go toward new features and 3rd part endeavors. When the list of issues that are already here need attention. Plus knowing from past experience, that adding new features only piles on more issues and causes current fixes to become issues again.
I know that it is in GSs best interest to grow and expand. But at some point. You must stop adding and start finalizing something to build upon. Ive used so many metaphors in the past. But the one that best fits what Im seeing lately is this.
Let the cake cook and cool before putting the frosting on. While the cake is cooking and cooling, let the frosting soften a lil more so you can make placing it on the cake easier. NO!! the sprinkles go on top of the icing. Not under it. NO. You light the candle ,, after youve placed in on the cake. Why are you pouring the milk into the cups now. The cake still needs another 15 minutes to cook. Then theres letting it cool, putting the icing on. Then theres the sprinkles. If you pour the milk now.. it will just be warm and blahhh, by the time you are ready to eat the cake. Whats that? you forgot to turn the oven on????
I just logged on and still see people are still having Rejection Issues due to the IAP issue from god knows how long ago. And the list goes on and on. Chew and swallow the 10 grapes you have in your mouth now. before you start cramming more in there.
I thought the definition of insanity was doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
And the portion Im refering to has not changed.
Lets add this feature right away...... Can we....... Yeah will make it work....... but what about these other issues?...... We can fix them along the way......... AH HELL...... What? The new code for the new feature is causing all my corrections to this problems 1,4 and 17, to be worthless. Now we cant fix these issues on the time frame we said we would. OH HELL. Well this new feature will be a big selling point if it add it now. We will worry about that other stuff in the next build...... But we already promised these fixes 2 years ago. And we were this close to doing it. Im going on vacation next week. Ill fill them in when I get back. Oh and we decided we are going to go with this 3rd party ad service instead. This one WILL work.
I find this to be a problem as well and have seen it pop recently in other topics. It is also one reason why I would support a pay to use Pro system as opposed to being locked into a year. I think GS tries to please too many people and at times over reaches what they can handle. They add new features to bring in new customers and at times let promised features slide down the list.
And the only defense to this are remarks like...... " If you can find a site that does better... leave GS" " Dont like it... Learn Code "
Just take a feature and make it 100%. go to next feature.. make it 100% next feature 100% monitor customer needs...focus on that feature make it 100%. Ah I got it. The best analogy of Gamesalad. Mark Walbergs character in the latest Transformers Movie. 500 Projects. All 60% done. None solid.
I think you may have finally over used the "metaphors"
Most people would probably agree with you even. But man why not just come out and say it.
Einstein didn't like cake anyways...
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As long as the Insanity continues to unfold. So shall the Metaphors.
"The definition of insanity was doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results."
I never got that. The web and popular media ran this a lot the last couple years.
The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again? ( Maybe, according to a popular game and recent political speeches). I'm pretty sure it is the state of being insane / mentally ill. Even the definition of insane disagrees. Sure repetition may be a characteristic of insanity, but insanity is not defined so narrowly.
It's not the act of repetition that's insane, it's the combination of repetition AND expecting different results that's insane.
Again, that is a very shallow-end look at insanity. Too many variables. The current popular definition does not do the illness (which is wide and varied) any service.
Not harshing on anyone using it, just say'n that the actual definition is far much more meaningful than repetition and expecting (in many scenarios, there is no expecting at all, because the person lacks something in their metal-state or just does not have any regard/care).
"The definition of insanity was doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." -- This is actually a popular quote. Not the definition.
1 : a deranged state of the mind usually occurring as a specific disorder (as schizophrenia)
2 : such unsoundness of mind or lack of understanding as prevents one from having the mental capacity required by law to enter into a particular relationship, status, or transaction or as removes one from criminal or civil responsibility
3 a : extreme folly or unreasonableness
b : something utterly foolish or unreasonable
I think the statement "The definition of insanity was doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results" fits nicely with 3b. As you can see the definition of insanity is pretty wide.
A person may behave insanely with one thing in their life for a time and in all other aspect of their life be quite sane. For example of this lets look at @FINNBOGG those of us who have been here for a while have noticed him bashing his head against the metaphorical brick wall over and over again expecting GS to behave differently even though all the evidence to date suggest they never will, now that's insane
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Colander has hit the nail on the head. Only thing is GS is the cause of my insanity. I'm insane cause GS won't learn.
That's all I'm saying. It's wider and there are more variables. To say the definition is:, is wrong. To put it more correctly, 'A' definition of insanity is... or a defining factor is... Using the "is", is an absolute.
@FINNBOGG lol yeah they can drive you nuts. It is frustrating waiting for something which is holding up your apps. I am in the same boat I want to finish a business app but GS needs a fix and an to enhance a feature for it to work.
To be fair it is probably frustrating for them too I know from my own experience some bugs can be ridiculously hard to find and to fix. Then there are a lot of people screaming for a particular new feature in some cases for years, add in OS changes and many other moving targets and it's got to be tough with a small team trying to keep up with it all. In keeping with the metaphors they are between a "rock and a hard place".
They are never going to keep everyone happy and we should "hold their feet to the fire" to try and get them to live up to there promises but in doing so don't to let it drive you nuts.
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I totally agree. It's the reason for all those variables that rack my brain why they keep piling on things when the already have piles to fix. But yet the continue to add and add and add. Stop. Take what you got and fix what you already have. Get that out of the way. Reduce the variables.