Need help with air hockey style game!!
How i can control my Puck? are there other methods as well as the change position to mouse position? because when i use constrain to mouse it overrides the collision! are there a couple of method to work around this issue?
sorry for the english
Check out this video. | Free Stuff

A few days ago I publish this one.
I work with the constrain attribute too...and it's handle fine!
Thank you so much homie if you want an air hockey ai , just tell me and i will send it to you
The best way is to use a vector to angle off the paddle struck. I built an air hockey game with AI
Guru Video Channel | Lost Oasis Games | FRYING BACON STUDIOS
Wayne made 2 air hockey templates for DBA a while back, one has AI the other is 2 player (both only 99p).
can you explain to me how to make the ball inscrease the speed when collide with the paddle? and how to make the multitouch for the hum vs hum mode?
i'm not interessed to that, thankyou anyway
I have a video on multitouch and I show how to do two player paddles. The vector to angle is a bit more complex and requires unlocking the prototype puck but I can look at the code and post it.
Guru Video Channel | Lost Oasis Games | FRYING BACON STUDIOS
Did i need to upload my project?
No I'll look at how I did it and post the function. It's a function that uses the position of the paddles and a vector to angle using the accelerate behavior.
Guru Video Channel | Lost Oasis Games | FRYING BACON STUDIOS
Thank youthankyouthankyoy
are you still tgere @The_Gamesalad_Guru?
Be patient as like most people I have a job and a life. remember we are all volunteers. Many times I post from my phone and am not at home at my computer. See my video on scene linking to see how I used the scene attributes of the paddles.
Guru Video Channel | Lost Oasis Games | FRYING BACON STUDIOS
Thank you, sorry if I was not patient