how to make bullet towards a direction
Urmm ...
Hi , i no complete idea how to make like a bullet go in a certain direction u tap .
Ok , so heres wut im tryin to say .
I have a scene where there are walls at each side of the screen that collides with the bullet .
The bullet will like aim at the direction u tap and the moment u let go , the bullet goes in the direction and cannot be changed .
So my prob is this , idk how to make the bullet like travel .
So yea ... Plz Help !!!
You could make a rule that spawns the bullet and then a rule that once the bullet is spawned it moves in a said direction. | Free Stuff
What have you tried and what was the result?
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Well ...
Ive tried doing like
Bullet Move To Game Mouse Button X , Y
But i have no idea how to like , u know solve my prob
Do you have an actor firing this button?
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You'll need to flesh it out a lot more, obviously, but is something like this what you mean?
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YESSSS Thx !!!