The Process
in Help Wanted
Hello, can anyone give me an idea of how (in which order) instructions are evaluated by GameSalad? For example: which actor is evaluated first? I need this information to better design my logic and avoid stupid bugs! Thanks!
GS reads from the bottom and up in the layers.
Inside the actor it reads from the top and down.
Hope that helps
Thanks @Dues! And what about many actors in the same layer? I need to make a difference between more instance actors which receive the same inputs, just in different moments in time.
If go to the layers tab, you see all the actors. In that list it reads from the bottom and up
Great @Dues!!!
Thank you very much!!!
You are welcome
And is it correct that in case of more instance actors (from the same prototype actor) spawn in the same scene, GameSalad considers the last spawn?
I have the position (self attribute) constrained to a game attribute which varies randomly when a new actor is spawn. The position of the previously spawn actors doesn't change! Only the last one's does! So probably there's a hierarchy between instance actors!