How easiest way to check my sales.?!
I might be a total idiot but i do not understand itunesconnect, I tried using appfigures but im off my trial so it doesn't work anymore. So my app has been out for around 3 weeks. When i check my daily sales and trends i says units sold 2 or 1. And when i check weekly it says units 17. royalty .7 and all of this stuff. Is there any place to learn how to do all this apple stuff?
Thanks, BadAsApps/Daniel
Thanks, BadAsApps/Daniel
Its a really good piece of software!
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
It's still in beta, and still free to use.
Any word on what that will cost once out of beta?
Makes lovely graphs and stuff. Really easy to see you daily sales and trends etc.
appannie is good for seeing your daily rankings etc.
it extremely long because everyone will be too lazy to read it. But seriously... I should really start reading those...
We have over 300 apps and have tried all the sales data displayers (even spent $3000 getting a custom one made in the early days). App figures is cool but too $$$.
The application sends your locally stored data to iTunes Connect. It's safe imho. If your suspect on this then you shouldn't use Mail (or any email client) or store passwords in Safari because its the same theory.
You actually don't need to provide your iTunes Connect info if you don't want to. You can instead manually upload the reports daily. If you do this though you kind of lose out on one of the main reasons for using a service like this, which is to not have to worry about doing all that manual labor (that's basically what it is) every day.
Also, something that is important to note is that iTunes Connect only saves daily sales reports for up to 7 days. So unless you have the process automated its possible to lose data.
What we recommend to our users is to create a second iTunes Connect account with limited privileges and use that with App Annie. More info here: