Force Field Around An Object
I'm making a game where I want a ball to hit platforms to bounce off of them, and there seems to be a force field around one platform. The ball bounces of the platform when it's about a haft inch away from the actual platform. Does anyone know how to fix it? Do I have to change a setting? Please respond ASAP. (if you can) Thanks.
I don't need a PC explanation, If you can tell me how to fix it in Mac, I'll figure it out .
You are unlikely to get a decent answer (beyond a lucky guess) if you don't provide any information. The problem is caused by the way you have your actor set up.
What Socks said though I suspect it's caused by the image/actor dimensions that are used (lucky guess).
If not then the answer for sure is 42
sounds as if the graphic of your platform has a big amount of empty space around it ( alpha) the hit detection of an objects includes the invisible alpha area of the image.
Cut away the alpha or use an invisible actor as collision object for the image
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I'm not importing any graphics, I just dragged the on to the screen and changed the dimensions. It's just a default graphic provided by GameSalad
If you are using a round force field, trying changing the Collision Shape from SQUARE to CIRCLE. It's under physics in the actor properties.
Thanks everyone. I figured it out.