Problem with comma
Hi guys. Anyone experiencing a problem where you can't time a number under one with e.x. a timer?
I want to fx. write 0.1 but the editor corrects it to 1.0
Help would greatly be appreciated.
Hi guys. Anyone experiencing a problem where you can't time a number under one with e.x. a timer?
I want to fx. write 0.1 but the editor corrects it to 1.0
Help would greatly be appreciated.
Works fine for me.
@Socks it works for you because you are Brittish
...or rather because you're using English regional settings on your MAC.
@RasmusNielsen I know exactly what you mean. One workaround is to enter all the value via the expression editor instead but that soon becomes tedious.
Let's jump directly to the solution instead (it's actually a workaround but I'm calling it a solution here because of 1. it seems to work without any issues for me and 2. because I reported it as a bug a while ago to support with instructions but it does not seem like anything will be done about the issue since there is a workaround).
Right click system preferences on your MAC, click "Language & Region", advanced.
Set the following:
Number separators Grouping: , (the comma sign) Decimal: . (dot)
Restart GameSalad, problem solved!.
This bug seem to have started with creator 0.11 for MAC by the way (I had no issue with it using 0.10.4)
Rather "insightful", wouldn't you say?
Ah !
Hello there. I've been lurking the forums for a while, so much to learn! I thought I was going mad, every time a value was entered it was being multiplied. Every time a thousand value was tabbed through in the attributes editor it was being zeroed out. No more, thank you thank you! thank you! This post made me get off my bum and register just to say thank you
edit: Clicked insightful
This doesn't work:
I already have my language on US-English so there must be something else going wrong too.
When I type in a number from 1000 and up in an attribute and press enter I get 1'000 Then when I double click on that attribute and do nothing but press enter or click somewhere else to deselect the number changes to 0
Lump Apps and My Assets
I did exactly what he wrote and it worked perfectly, I did also set the same for currency on the same advanced screen if that matters. Maybe try that?
Can you post a screenshot from advanced to show what is set?