Need someone smart to figure this out!
So heres the problem..
I have ONE twitter button, in that twitter button I have a rule that says if touch is pressed then open up tweetsheet, thats for the iphone users.. Now I dont want the android users not to be able to tweet as well.. I dont want android users to press the button and nothing happen.
Heres what I want...
If a person has an Iphone I want them to be able to push down on that button and open up tweetsheet
If a person has an android I want that same button to open the url I provided which takes them to my twitter profile
What I dont want...
A person who has an iphone to press on the twitter button and have both the tweet sheet and the url to open.
cant figure out how to make this happen, please help me
If you make a rule that detects screen size you should be able to do what you want.
Eg. If screen.size width = iphone width
Do this
If screen.size.width is not = iphone width
Do this
Is there not a single android device with the same screen size as an iPhone?
just add a boolean attribute thats says "Apple" and use that in rules so when your publishing for "Apple" just check it off and the rule will know it's apple and uncheck it for Android.
Yup that's what I will do in my case. You have to publish 2 different files anyway. Just edit/delete the button for android.
@BBEnk Ok so I hit publish on gamesalad for the android button then go back and change the button and hit publish again for the iphone? It wont change the upload for android?