Free Music Resource



  • Eric MatyasEric Matyas United StatesMember Posts: 914

    I've been under the weather for the past week...(ugh)...but I managed to get a few new tracks done:

    "Wild West Coast Racing 4" (Looping)
    on my Action 3 page

    "Dreaming of Reefs" (Looping)
    on my Fantasy 8 page

    And "Freaky Funkin' (Looping)
    on my Funny 5 page

    Have a good weekend. :-)

  • Eric MatyasEric Matyas United StatesMember Posts: 914

    Finally feeling better...woo hoo! Here are this week's new free tracks:

    "Paper Route" (Looping)
    on my Chiptunes 2 page.

    "Break In" (Looping)
    on my City/Urban 2 page.

    "Caribbean Skies" (intended for aerial videos)
    on my Events/Travel 2 page.

    "Fishbowl Romance" (Looping)
    on my Fantasy 8 page.

    and "Stranded in the Asteroid Belt"
    on my Sci-Fi 6 page.

    Enjoy and have a good weekend!

  • Eric MatyasEric Matyas United StatesMember Posts: 914

    Hey Everyone,

    This week's new free tracks are:

    "Wild West Coast Racing 5" (Looping)
    on my Action 3 page.

    "Cyberpunk City" (Looping)
    on my Sci-Fi 7 page.

    "Dystopian Atmospheric"
    on my SFX - Sci-Fi Amb page.

    Have a good weekend!

  • Eric MatyasEric Matyas United StatesMember Posts: 914

    Finishing out June, here are this week's new free tracks:

    "Kingdom of Coral"
    on my Nature/Science 2 page.

    "Evening Stars Rising" (Looping)
    on my Quiet 2 page.

    "Playin' in the Dirt" (Looping)
    on my Sports page.

    See you in July!

  • Eric MatyasEric Matyas United StatesMember Posts: 914

    Hi Everyone,

    To streamline my site a bit, I’ve eliminated the gigantic text block under the header image that showed all the pages on the site. Instead, links to all the pages on the site are on the right side of every page, listed under MUSIC, SOUND FX and IMAGES… (scroll down.) Simply click on the name of any page to navigate to that page. Then scroll down. The links appear at the right side of every page so that you can quickly navigate from any page to any other page on the site.

    That said, I have some new free music tracks ready for everyone:

    on my Nature/Science 3 page:

    "Far Away Puzzle Places"
    on my Puzzle Music 3 page:

    and "Alley Chase"
    on my Sci-Fi 7 page

    Enjoy and have a good weekend!

  • Eric MatyasEric Matyas United StatesMember Posts: 914

    Happy Thursday Everyone,

    This week's brand new free tracks are:

    "Attack of the Flaming Pie Tins"

    on my Sci-Fi 7 page:

    "Quirky Crawlers"

    "Plastered by Lunch Time"

    on my Funny 5 page:

    "Carnival Games"

    "Rubik's Dodecahedron"

    on my Puzzle Music 3 page:

    I hope they are useful. Have a good weekend!

  • Eric MatyasEric Matyas United StatesMember Posts: 914

    If anyone would like to receive daily email updates as I create and release new tracks, feel free to email me and I'll add you to my mailing list. :-) (My email address is at the bottom of my homepage.)

    That said, here are this week's new free tracks:

    "Cyber Teen 2"
    on my Sci-Fi 7 page:

    "Strange World" (Looping)
    "Fishbowl Acrobatics" (Looping)
    on my Funny 5 page:

    "Light Puzzles 2" (Looping)
    on my Puzzle Music 3 page:

    "Dreaming of Fuji" (Looping)
    on my Fantasy 8 page

    Have a great weekend!

  • Eric MatyasEric Matyas United StatesMember Posts: 914

    Happy Thursday Everyone,

    This week's new free tracks are:

    "Chasing Villains"
    "Wild West Coast Racing 6" (Looping)
    on my Action 3 page:

    "A Trail of Clues"
    on my Drama page 3:

    "City of Dread" (Looping)
    on my Sci-Fi Amb page:

    Have a great weekend!

  • RowdyPantsRowdyPants Member Posts: 465

    @Eric Matyas not sure if it’s just me but I’m seeing two ‘Free Music Resource’ threads going. Each time you post it shows up twice in the forum. One thread has ~2K views and the other has ~850. Wonder if this was from an older thread merge gone wild? Bizarre. Anyways, as always, good work and thank you for the awesome resources.

  • Eric MatyasEric Matyas United StatesMember Posts: 914

    @RowdyPants said:
    @Eric Matyas not sure if it’s just me but I’m seeing two ‘Free Music Resource’ threads going. Each time you post it shows up twice in the forum. One thread has ~2K views and the other has ~850. Wonder if this was from an older thread merge gone wild? Bizarre. Anyways, as always, good work and thank you for the awesome resources.

    I just thought it was relevant to both areas. :-) And you're very welcome!

    Happy August Everyone,

    To start off the new month, we have:

    "Desert Heist" (Looping)
    on my Action 3 page:

    "Horror Game Intro" (Looping)
    on my Horror/Surreal page

    "Crossing the Tundra"
    on my Nature/Science 3 page:

    "Cyberpunk Arcade" (Looping)
    on my Puzzle Music 3 page:

    "The Memory Factory" (Looping)
    on my Sci-Fi 7 page:

    If anyone happens to need some custom tracks created, I do those as well at very low cost. Just give me a shout! :-)

  • Eric MatyasEric Matyas United StatesMember Posts: 914

    Hi Everyone,

    This week's brand new free tracks are:

    "A Thousand Exotic Places"
    on my Events/Travel 2 page:

    "4.2 Light Years" (Looping)
    "Lost and Faltering"
    on my Sci-Fi 7 page:

    If you guys need some custom tracks created, I'm doing those as well at very low cost. Most people are pleasantly surprised at how affordable it is. Just let me know! :-)

  • Eric MatyasEric Matyas United StatesMember Posts: 914

    Happy Wednesday Everyone,

    I've added a couple of new pages to my site to (hopefully) make some of my tracks a bit easier to find. They are:

    AERIAL / DRONE (1 & 2)

    That said, here are this week's new free tracks:

    "Techno Caper" (looping version)
    on my Action page:

    "Technoscape_v001" (standard and looping)
    on my Corporate page:

    "The Secret Lab"
    on my Dark/Ominous 2 page:

    "Palin' Around Paris"
    on my Positive/Upbeat page:

    "Future Noir"
    on my Sci-Fi 7 page:

    Don't forget, if anyone needs some custom tracks created, I'm doing those at very low cost as well. Most people are pleasantly surprised at how affordable it is. Just let me know! :-)

  • Eric MatyasEric Matyas United StatesMember Posts: 914

    Hi Everyone,

    Here are this week's new free tracks:

    "The Monster Factory"
    "The Monster Factory" (Looping)
    on my Funny 5 page:

    "Rivers of Jewels" (Looping)
    "Puzzle Caves" (Looping)
    on my Puzzle Music 3 page:

    "Peaceful Mind" (Looping)
    on my Quiet 2 page:

    "The Lab at the Bottom of the Sea" (Looping)
    "It Walks the Ocean Floor" (Looping)
    "Endless Cyber Runner" (Looping)
    on my Sci-Fi 7 page:

    If anyone is interested in checking out some of the games I've custom scored, here's a link to that page:

    Keep being creative...and have a great week!

  • Eric MatyasEric Matyas United StatesMember Posts: 914

    Hi Everyone,

    This week's new free tracks are a lot of fun. We have:

    "THE ARCADE SPACEMAN" – (Looping) – In the year 20 billion! …Okay, maybe 1982. …Anyhow, this might be fun in a space game or app.
    It lives on my Chiptunes 2 page:

    "OVER THE POLAR MOUNTAIN" – (Looping) – The child dreams of the tiny train, under icy moonlight, making its way across the great polar North. It struggles up the enormous mountain, finally reaches the top and then chugs down the other side.

    "OF DREAMS AND GAMES" – (Looping) – Might sound nice under the intro screens for a mystical RPG or fantasy-based game.
    Both are on my Fantasy 8 page:

    "THE PLASTERED PELICAN BAR AND GRILLE" – Filled with an assortment of rowdy birds, this dockside bar is quite a spectacle on Friday nights. Come to think of it, it’s a spectacle on any night.
    The wild festivities are on my Funny 5 page:

    "BOT BUILDERS" – (Looping) – Creating cities of tomorrow?
    on my Technology 2 page:

    As always, if anyone is interested in checking out some of the projects I've custom scored, you can find a brief list here with links:


  • Eric MatyasEric Matyas United StatesMember Posts: 914

    Kicking off September, more new free tracks are ready for your projects, including several new looping versions that will hopefully be helpful:

    On my Action 3 page, we have:

    WILD WEST COAST RACING 7 – (Looping) – For a nighttime stretch under the Pacific moonlight.
    CHASING VILLAINS – (New Looping Version) - The Inspector is at it again!

    On my Fantasy page:

    CITY BENEATH THE WAVES – (New Looping Version) - Out of the murky blue, it emerges…unlike anything ever seen before. Might work in a fantasy piece, a game, or even a nature doc.
    MAGIC OCEAN_v001 – (Standard and Looping) - Added ocean ambience. Could work nicely in a fantasy game, nature doc, etc.

    On my Sci-Fi 7 page:

    LOST AND FALTERING – (New Looping Version) - In the dead of night, the machine-being wanders the rain-soaked streets, trying to find its way back home.

    And on my World page:

    PALIN’ AROUND PARIS – (New Looping Version) - Two best friends…and one beautiful city…on a perfect afternoon.

    Enjoy...and let me know if you need some custom tracks created! :-)

  • Eric MatyasEric Matyas United StatesMember Posts: 914

    Greetings Everyone,

    One of my goals this fall is to be able to offer looping versions of every music track on my site. That said, here are this week's new free ones:

    On my Aerial/Drone page, we have:

    "STRATOSPHERE" – (Looping)

    Here are two new tracks on my Drama 2 page that might be helpful in films and interactive fiction:

    "ONE NIGHT" (Looping)

    On my Funny 5 page:

    "THE PLASTERED PELICAN BAR AND GRILLE (Looping) - I'd love to hear this one in a game...or better yet, play a game about this

    And on my Nature/Science 3 page:

    "RENDEZVOUS WITH ICE CRYSTALS" (Looping) - This one might sound nice in aerial videos as well.

    Feel free to check out my custom music page if you get a chance. Thanks! :-)

  • Eric MatyasEric Matyas United StatesMember Posts: 914

    Continuing my quest to provide looping versions of every track on my site,

    On my Aerial/Drone page, we have:

    "OVER HAUNTED LANDS" – (Looping) and

    On my Fantasy 6 page:

    "THEIR SECRET WORLD" (Looping)

    And on my Fantasy 7 page:

    "FOREST DRAMA" (Looping)
    "SAD LANDS" (Looping)
    "FAR AWAY PLACES CALL" (Looping)

    If anyone needs some custom music created special, I'm doing that as well at very low cost. You can find info about it here:

    Have a good rest of your week!

  • Eric MatyasEric Matyas United StatesMember Posts: 914

    I haven't said this in a while, so I'd like to send out a heartfelt thank you to the kind folks who have shown support and donated to my efforts. Not only are your donations helping to pay for the site, but they are also helping to pay for a new synthesizer that will enable me to explore and create music for you in lots of new styles...(at least for me)

    Pop / Retro Pop
    and lots more.

    One of the most gratifying things for me is when people write and tell me that one of my tracks inspired them to create a new game, film or other work of their own. I hope that some of these new musical styles will help you to expand the boundaries of your creativity!

    As I explore and familiarize myself with this new synth, I'm also continuing my project to create looping versions of my existing tracks...I hope they are helpful, especially for my game / VN developer friends as well as my drone pilot friends.

    That said, here are this week's new free tracks:

    On my Action page:


    Two new tracks on my Aerial/Drone page:

    "CARIIBEAN SKIES" – (Looping) and

    On my City/Urban page we have:

    "WINTER ALLEYS" (Looping) and

    And on my Techno page:

    "MAYHEM" (Looping)

    Keep being creative!

  • Twayne2Twayne2 Member Posts: 458

    Keep making music! :smile:

  • Eric MatyasEric Matyas United StatesMember Posts: 914

    @Twayne2 said:
    Keep making music! :smile:

    Thanks, I will. :-)

    Happy October!

    Continuing my mission to provide looping versions of every track on my site, here are this week's new free tracks:

    On my Drama page:

    "PULLING AWAY" (Looping) - Perhaps from a small-town bus station on a dreary day, leaving someone behind.

    On my Fantasy page:

    "GENTLE CLOSURE" – (Looping) - Little ending piece. Might work in a game or animation.

    On my Funny/Quirky/Weird page:

    "SNEAKY CAT" (Looping) - A single bassoon conveys a quiet humor.

    On my History page:

    "THE GIANT GATES OPEN" (Looping) - Would you go in? I’m not sure that I would. Anyhow, this might be a nice intro piece for an ancient city in a documentary or a game.

    And on my Horror/Surreal page:

    "AFTER THE INVASION" (Looping) - An intense “aftermath” kind of track. Kind of disturbing, actually…well, at least to me.

    I hope some of them are helpful!

  • Eric MatyasEric Matyas United StatesMember Posts: 914

    Hi all,

    Is anyone interested in super high quality Ogg or WAV versions of my tracks? I've been considering making them available for a small donation. Any feedback is welcome. :)

    In the meantime, here are this week's new free tracks:

    On my Nature/Science page:
    "Sunrise" (Looping)

    On my Positive/Upbeat page:

    "Happy Endings" (Looping)

    On my Quiet/Peaceful/Mellow page:

    "Ice Road Sunrise" (Looping)

    Two tracks on my Sci-Fi/Space page:

    "Cold Moon" (Looping)
    "Steamtech Mayhem" (Looping_v001)

    And one on my Sports page:

    "The Games" (Looping)

    Btw I've also been expanding my texture images library to include cartoony 2D-style seamless images in addition to my realistic ones. They are on my TXR pages. Free to use (as always) with attribution.

    Enjoy the rest of your week!

  • Eric MatyasEric Matyas United StatesMember Posts: 914

    Hi everyone,

    We're half way through October...and half way to we have:

    On my Funny/Quirky/Weird page:

    "Ghoulish Fun" (Looping) - Good for Halloween or a Halloween themed piece.

    Here's a piece in the spirit of a bad '70s cop show. It makes me itchy for some reason:

    "Side Burn Squad" (Looping)

    Two new tracks are ready on my Fantasy page:

    "Our Mountain v003" (Looping) - An expanded version of the original that might work in an RPG under opening titles or perhaps somewhere else.

    "Winding Down" (Looping) - Another ending piece, perhaps for a game or animation.

    And two tracks on my Aerial/Drone page:

    "Over a Mysterious Island" (Looping) - What waits for you below? Another track that might sound nice in a drone video…or perhaps a video about an exotic travel destination.

    "Reaching Altitude" (Looping) - I would love to hear this in a drone video…(I’m a huge fan of those.) But might work in a travel video as well.

    Have a good week!

  • Eric MatyasEric Matyas United StatesMember Posts: 914


    This week's brand new free tracks are:

    On my City/Urban page:

    "A Walk Through the City" (Looping)
    "Inner City" (Looping)

    On my Dark/Ominous page, two pieces that I think sound pretty intense:

    "Arrival" (Looping)
    "Secret Tunnels" (Looping)

    And on my World (and Aerial) pages:

    "A Thousand Exotic Places" (Looping)
    "Ancient Waters" (Looping)

    With Halloween coming up, I think I'll try to concentrate on my Dark/Ominous pages as well as my Horror/Surreal page. I try very hard to release one new track each day and I post them on my Facebook, Twitter and Instagram pages as I publish them (if anyone is interested.)


  • Eric MatyasEric Matyas United StatesMember Posts: 914

    Happy Halloween!

    Let the spooky celebration begin with:

    "Arrival" (Looping)
    "Quiet Tension" (Looping)
    "Too Quiet" (Looping)
    "Time Running Out" (Looping)

    on my Dark/Ominous page.


    "Bells of Weirdness" (Looping)
    "Surreal Place" (Looping)

    On my Horror / Surreal page.

    Enjoy...and don't eat too much candy! ;-)

  • Eric MatyasEric Matyas United StatesMember Posts: 914


    This week's new free tracks are:

    On my Events/Travel 2 page:

    "Romantic Lands Beckon" (Looping)

    On my Chiptunes 2 page:

    "Pixel Madness" (Looping)

    On my Funny/Quirky/Weird page:

    "Alien Chickawow" (Looping)

    On my Classical Sounding page:

    "Great Minds_v001" (Looping)

    And on my Technology page:

    "Young Visionaries" (Looping)

    I'm also planning to create a new section especially for 2D game art, like sprites and backgrounds. Should be fun. :-)

  • Eric MatyasEric Matyas United StatesMember Posts: 914

    Hi Folks,

    This week's new free tracks are:

    On my Events/Travel 2 page:

    "Trekkin' on Foot" (Looping)

    On my Funny/Quirky/Weird page:

    "Inept '70s Crooks" (Looping)

    On my Quiet/ Peaceful / / Mellow page:

    "Cruising Back in Time" (Looping)
    "Valley Sunrise" (Looping)

    And on my Nature / Science 3 page:

    "Crossing the Tundra_v001" (Looping)

    I hope everyone's having a good week. :-)

  • Eric MatyasEric Matyas United StatesMember Posts: 914

    Hi Everyone,

    This week’s new free tracks are from my Nature/Science page and my Sci-Fi/Space page. They are:

    “Sunrise at the Stream” (Looping)

    “Plankton Triumphs” (Looping) – This one might sound cool in a quirky, slow-paced puzzle game.

    “Lost Meadow” (Looping) – Might sound nice in an RPG or fantasy game.


    “Blazing Stars” (Looping)

    “Information Shutdown” (Looping)


  • Eric MatyasEric Matyas United StatesMember Posts: 914

    Hey guys,

    This week’s new free tracks are all from my Technology page:

    “Friendly Machines” (Looping)

    “Dance of the Satellites” (Looping)

    “Digital Sunset” (Looping)

    “Corporate Espionage” (Looping)

    “The Triumph of Technology_v001” (Looping)

    Enjoy and have a good week!

  • Eric MatyasEric Matyas United StatesMember Posts: 914

    Happy December Everyone,

    Kicking off the new month, this week’s new free tracks are all on my Sci-Fi pages, so…

    On my Sci-Fi 5 page, we have:

    “DRIFTING OFF” – (Looping) - In the far future, perhaps this is what machine-beings will feel like as they quietly shut down for the day to recharge.

    On my Sci-Fi 6 page:

    “STRANDED IN THE ASTEROID BELT” – (Looping) - Millions of miles from home. The crippled ship is all but dead. Can help possibly get there in time?

    “END OF LIFE FOR A MACHINE-BEING” – (Looping) - As it slowly loses consciousness and shuts down.

    And on my Sci-Fi 7 page:

    “CYBER TEEN 2” – (Looping) - Roaming around the night in a futuristic city bathed in neon…perhaps a runaway.

    “ALLEY CHASE” – (Looping) - In a futuristic metropolis.

    I hope some of them are helpful in your projects!

  • Eric MatyasEric Matyas United StatesMember Posts: 914

    Hi Everyone,

    This week’s new free tracks are all from my Fantasy pages:

    “MAGIC OCEAN” (Looping)

    "STRANGE GAME MENU_V001" (Looping)

    "RPG MAP MUSIC" (Looping)
    "A SEA OF JEWELS" (Looping)
    “RPG THEME” (Looping)

    Have a good week!

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