Open GS project with Mac made with Windows Creator
I recently created a project with a pc and Windows Creator. I have since switched to a Mac and can not open the project with my Mac Creator. Any suggestions would be appreciated.
Best Answer
ImNiklas Posts: 103
A faster way to do it that I always do is just to add .gameproj to the name of the folder with your project.
Click file, then export. Now you should be able to open it in the Mac creator.
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Thank you both for replying. I am new to Mac (lifelong pc user) and I can not seem to get either suggestion to work. I have downloaded the zipped folder containing the project from my email. I can locate it on my Mac in downloads but I can't get the file to export and I can't rename the folder as Im not sure how.
Okay I used your suggestion ImNiklas and it worked. Thank you both for the fast reply. I love a good community!
You have to export it from the PC creator. Glad you got it working.
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