Any URL Scheme to open instagram app?
Hey guys
So I'm wanting to open the Instagram app with a button. Basically I want When the user pushed the button it opens up my Instagram profile in their installed Instagram app. Possible? Something like the facebook URL schemes.
I'll keep it simple:
@ImNiklas Wait so instagram://user?username=(instert profile name)?
Im wanting it for android btw will it work for that?
And should I insert that into a url shortner?
@HappyGOLUCKY Yes exactly. I think it would work on android too but I couldn't test it since my nexus os being repaired. If you have an android just insert the URL in the default(!) browser.
Any thoughts on these URL params?
I wonder if we save an image in our GS projects, and then pass that photo name into the instagram. My guess is that there is no way to fail gracefully in case its not installed, but this might work. I'll try it later today.
Does it work on iOS?