Wait a minute, you can make the actor smaller than the image?
And all this time, I've been using a second invisible actor to act like a hit box.
Anybody may be able to shed some light on the Veritcal/Horizontal wrap, anchors, and so on? I just discovered them under graphics but I can't find any info on the forums other than some mentions in some threads.
If I do this, will I have to remake any "overlap" behaviors since the actual box is smaller?
I have an actor that uses their large actor size to overlap things to do damage while their actual hit box is small. I know the actual actor would affect collissions, but for overlap, will damage still be counted and such?
I'd test it out myself, but I'm trying to solve a flip image problem that I almost have solved.
If you do what ?
GameSalad hasn't got a behaviour called 'overlap'.
That literallty makes no sense !
That makes perfect sense . . . . you can't test your idea out because you are trying to solve a 'flip image problem'
Sorry! In windows creator, I could have sworn I've seen the word "if actor overlaps then", I remember the mac uses different terms for some things, I was accidentally using the windows creator terms.
I mean if I make the tile size of the character bigger than the actual actor size. Would the bigger character image still count in collision, or only the actor? Many apologies for my minced words before! And I solved the horizontal flip problem that had to do with directional input of the actor.
Ah, yes, I see what you mean now, you mean the collide behaviour !?
To be honest I don't know my way around the PC version at all, so if the collide behaviour is called 'overlap' on the PC then that makes sense.
Only the actor.
Good !
If you change the actors size in gamesalad?
You can change the the size of an image that you've imported into GameSalad and it will still have the same effect if you collide with another object.
@Socks No non-game advertising, thanks :P
It actually is overlap or collide.
The behavior fires in overlaps when there are no physics turned on and collides when physics are on.
@Socks Ok, that is understandable!
@allc1865 I see.
@tenrdrmer Ah! That makes sense then about collision with physics and overlap when theres no physics.