This has been troubling me for about a week now

ShortAxe5ShortAxe5 Member, PRO Posts: 69

So I have an actor within the scene. In one scene, I have the actor always spawning to the right without any problems. But in the other scene, I want to move the actor to the left and I'm having trouble. I've tried everything but nothing seems to work.

What I want is to move it to the left on a specific x and y coordinate and leave it to keep spawning itself on those set numbers. Is there anyway I can do this?


  • ShortAxe5ShortAxe5 Member, PRO Posts: 69
  • SocksSocks London, UK.Member Posts: 12,822
    edited August 2014

    @ShortAxe5 said:
    So I have an actor within the scene. In one scene, I have the actor always spawning to the right without any problems. But in the other scene, I want to move the actor to the left and I'm having trouble. I've tried everything but nothing seems to work.

    So, you have an actor that spawns to the right (I don't know what that means), and you want move another actor in another scene to the left ?

    @ShortAxe5 said:
    What I want is to move it to the left on a specific x and y coordinate

    Don't know what that means either ? :\

    @ShortAxe5 said:
    . . . and leave it to keep spawning itself on those set numbers. Is there anyway I can do this?

    Not really sure what any of this mean, but I'm easily confused ! :)

    If you could remove any ambiguity from your question I'll give it a shot !

  • ArmellineArmelline Member, PRO Posts: 5,376

    I think what he's saying is that he wants to spawn the actor by default on the right side of the screen. But on one scene, he either wants to spawn it on the right and move it to the left, and then have all future spawns be to that new, left-hand location, or he's saying he wants on that scene for the actor to always spawn on the left.

    But it really isn't clear.

  • ShortAxe5ShortAxe5 Member, PRO Posts: 69

    Ok I'll try and rephrase it. You know flappy bird right? And how the pipes spawn to the right of the screen or whatnot?

    I want to have my actor(s) in my scene spawn to the left of the screen and not the right.
    Making sense?

  • ArmellineArmelline Member, PRO Posts: 5,376

    Then just change the location they are spawned at. When spawning an object you choose where it will be spawned - either by moving the actor that spawns them or by changing the X and Y spawn positions.

  • ShortAxe5ShortAxe5 Member, PRO Posts: 69

    I understand what you're saying, but the thing is that I want the actor to keep spawning itself when it's outside of the viewing area.

  • SocksSocks London, UK.Member Posts: 12,822
    edited August 2014

    @ShortAxe5 said:
    I want to have my actor(s) in my scene spawn to the left of the screen and not the right.
    Making sense?

    You can spawn actors wherever you want them, if you want them to spawn 'to the left' of the screen then simply enter the relevant coordinates into the spawn behaviour.

    [EDIT: Armelline beat me to it, basically what white rabbit said]

  • ShortAxe5ShortAxe5 Member, PRO Posts: 69

    Lol thanks but I'm still pretty new to this. How exactly does the spawn actor behavior work?

    It's not specific as to where I should put my x and y coordinates.

  • ShortAxe5ShortAxe5 Member, PRO Posts: 69


    Wow thanks man! :)

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