Gamesalad free version publishing possibilities
Hello, as a long time passionate gamer i want start some games developing without coding/programing knowledge so i decide and choose gamesalad, but before start i wanna amking something clear, to what devices i can publish my game on gamesalad?? (free version ofc)
On versions comparison site i see that i can only publish to MAC which is impossible (i heard) when i work on PC Win7, same situation with IOS.
I see there that android is only on PRO version... so as a PC user on gamesalad free i dont have any possibilities to publish to other devices than mac, ios??
Exactly only on iOS devices
Go to this link :
Find the " vote " button and press it
The free version allows you to publish to iOS, Arcade and (last I looked) Kindle Fire and Tizen.
For iOS, you need to publish it using an Apple developer account ($99 a year) and to do that you need access to a Mac. However, there are other solutions you can use, like
Be aware that when you publish using the free version of GameSalad, adverts are placed in your game that you can only remove by purchasing a Pro account.
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`This "Arcade" publish is for PC games??Let's say, anyone can buy on Steam when there i put this for sale??