Check and Uncheck items
Hello Game Salad community!!! So sorry for disturbing your day.
Since my 1st game not quite success so i decided to make another game. Well Failure make us stronger
Its been 2 days i mix and match rule and stuff but i couldn't find any good result.
My question is about check / uncheck items. Just exactly like basketball shoot bellow.
What i did is:
- I put check actor on the screen and "when the ball is touch i constrain the check actor to the ball position"
Am i doing it right? or maybe someone can help me with this.
Please if someone could help me with this i am really thankful for that.
Thank You
I don't understand what your question is. Are you trying to have an image of a check mark appear wherever the player taps?
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Yes Sir. I want the check mark appear wherever the player choose the item. I want the check mark appear only on the item the player choose.
Can you help me @tatiang ? Please
My recommendation would be to change the image of the actor rather than constraining or moving an actor to be on top of it. So for each ball image in your example, you would have two possible images: one with the check mark and one without. Then when that actor is touched/selected, you would change the image.
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I see that. But what if the player change to the second ball or to the other ball? the 1st ball still gonna be having the check image right?
What do i do to only show the check image only at the ball that player using?
So sorry for the question @tatiang i am still noob here.
I would set it up this way:
When touch is pressed Change attribute game.selectedBall (text) to self.Name When attribute game.selectedBall is self.Name Change image to [ball with check mark] Otherwise Change image to [ball without check mark]
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Ohhh using text attribute? Nice. I've never using that. I always using boolean.
Ill give it a try. Thank you very much @tatiang ill post here if its work out.
But hey, how do you make the post here as answered ?
Hey @tatiang! Thank you for helping me. It works! But instead of making another image with check, i am using change self.color.
Big Thanks Sir!
@thearontacompany You're welcome!
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