Once Certain Score Is Reached Unlock Map and Notify it's unlocked.
I have a whack a mole type game as this game has no level but just play it and try and get a highest score possible but i have included different backgrounds to my game and one of them is locked i have created an attribute to say when game.score = 100 then change attribute game.locking to 2 this then unlocks the map but i want it to change scene once they have reached 100 to say you have unlocked the map but my problem is once they play again and get a score of 100 the change scene to say you have unlocked it happens again even though they just unlocked it the notify message works by the game.locking attribute being set to 2 then it will change the scene for the notify map unlock but because when you play it again the game.locking attribute is now 2 it's going to trigger the scene change again. So i need it to not change scene next time you play because it's already notified them that it is unlocked! Heres A link to the locking system code of my game ---- http://likeagain.co.uk/gamesaladhelp.html
I recommend adding a second integer. This could be "highest level unlocked". and is identical, but you change your wrapper to "if Game.locking =2 and Game.Highest <2" for the change scene rule, and change .Highest in that rule as well. That way, the rule will trigger once, change .Highest so that it no longer applies, so it will never trigger again.