Sexelerometer trailer (17+)

POMPOM Member Posts: 2,599
edited November -1 in Announce Your Game!
oops! double post, oh well..


  • POMPOM Member Posts: 2,599
    the app is still waiting for review, tell me what do you think?!
    maybe some constructive criticism..

  • iPhoneDevForMeiPhoneDevForMe Member Posts: 362
    Nice job haha! The interface design looks great; however, I think you might have a problem with Apple accepting it due to its sexual nature. Let us know what they say and if it gets approved!
  • chosenonestudioschosenonestudios Member Posts: 1,714
    Yeah I don't think theres anything wrong with the actual app getting on itunes (considering sex positions got on) but the name might not fly.... even though its a good one haha

    If it gets rejected I'd resubmit it and try again (considering each reviewer gauges it different( and theres always human error haha))

    Yeah looks good though, hope you do well! :D

  • POMPOM Member Posts: 2,599
    yes i heard about this new approach from apple about sex apps, but my app does NOT contain any sex/porn content as you can see the design in the video, (only the word sex in it) so i hope for good..
    thank you for the tip though about the resubmit!
  • chosenonestudioschosenonestudios Member Posts: 1,714
    p-o-m said:
    yes i heard about this new approach from apple about sex apps, but my app does NOT contain any sex/porn content as you can see the design in the video, (only the word sex in it) so i hope for good..
    thank you for the tip though about the resubmit!

    Yep, don't worry about ti! :D
  • synthesissynthesis Member Posts: 1,693
    Is it just me...or does anyone else have no freaking idea what this app is supposed to be (or do) as demonstrated by the video...other than have a catchy/intriguing title.

    No offense POM, but the video just does show much other than some funky graphics.
  • POMPOM Member Posts: 2,599
    i took your reply to my attention and made a new video.
    (although instead of "does anyone else have no freaking idea what this app is supposed to be"
    a simple - "make your video more understandable" would do the job, but no hard feeling)

    tell me what do you think of this one!

    there is "customaize" written there but i fixed it
  • synthesissynthesis Member Posts: 1,693
    That video definitely is more informative. Now I know what it is...but not sure if I need my iPod involved in my sex life. :)

    Good luck with the app. Its definitely unique :)

    I wasn't busting your chops in my previous post...just being "colorful" :)
  • design219design219 Member Posts: 2,273
    synthesis said:
    ... not sure if I need my iPod involved in my sex life

    You should try an iPhone... a much better tool for the job.
  • synthesissynthesis Member Posts: 1,693
    I don't need my wife "discovering" the vibration feature...we'll stick with the iPod.
  • gesimundgesimund Member Posts: 33
    Haha this is pretty awesome. You know who will love this game? Woman will buy this without hesitation. I know my wife would at least. Ill probably be getting this one from ya. Good luck!
  • POMPOM Member Posts: 2,599
    I just got the mail from apple saying that my first app - Sexelerometer
    has approved! And it is ready for sale.
    I'm not on my mac so I'll post the link when I get home.
    I just had to share it with someone right away! First app submittion is a thrill
  • TrisTris Member Posts: 58
    Congrats pom! I'll check it out.
    Looked at the video - definitely unique. Might want to run the spellchecker and do an update because you spelled minutes - minuts.
    Good luck mate :)
  • POMPOM Member Posts: 2,599
    @tris thank you !
    i changed it and the update is waiting for review, and its with the 0.8.7 so it is better.
    my native language is not english so i try my best.

    i have promo codes so if you guys want let me know and ill send you for review!
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