Is This Possible In GS?
How do you make a game similar to the @DeepBlueApps Asteroids template, but with the "Asteroids" coming from 1 angle instead, as if they were falling down?
Like this:
I know that it's definitely possible, I'm just not sure where to start.
I'm not sure what you mean. Do you mean that they should fal straight down from the top, or just spawn at the top and then go in different directions? Both of those are definitely possible!
Or is it possible to edit the DeepBlueApps template to what I'm trying to do?
Give your falling asteroids a MOVE TOWARDS behavior. You spawn them above the camera randomly then move towards the player actor.
You should take a look at the free template "aircraft" available. The enemies come from different locations from the top and "drop" down...your thumb is the only touch needed to move player. After looking over the rules actor you will see what they are doing and then incorporate that into the game you could build from scratch like you want. That one template taught me several things.
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@ImNiklas Yeah, they fall from the top of the screen to the bottom (in one direction)
@yattamove @Thunder_Child Okay, I will try that
Any other ideas?
Here's an example.
Make these actors
Under each actor put in these rules.
1. When touch is pressed
constrain player X to device touch X
constrain player Y to device touch Y
1. Move (270*) at speed (300)
2. When collide or overlap with bullet destroy
3. When collide or overlap with bullet change attribute score to score+1
4. When collide or overlap with bullet destroy (placed at bottom of scene) destroy.
1. When touch is pressed (timer) every .10 seconds spawn bullet
2. When collide or overlap with ball change attribute lives to lives-1
3. When lives is less than 1 change scene to Game Over scene.
1. When collide or overlap Spawner destroy.
2. Move 90* at speed 800
1. Timer, every (random 3,6) seconds spawn ball position (random 0,320)X and position 480 Y
1. No rules needed
Those are just a few things I know if to get you started.
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@Thunder_Child Thanks
I will definitely try that.